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  1. You're absolutely right, it was very stupid and not worth the risk. I had accumulated a bunch of weed from various places and couldn't bear to throw it all out. I gave away a lot to a neighbor before I left. Going through doha was definitely not worth it and I won't be doing that again.
  2. So I went back to America from Thailand recently with a small amount of weed. Went from BKK to short stopover in Doha to Boston, MA. It's legal in MA. I'm not suggesting anyone do this, it's prohibited to fly with it and it's not legal in doha. There's no signs at BKK Airport about weed, at least I never saw any. I had it in my carry on. In doha, I had to go through security twice. I was the most nervous about it here, for good reason. Other than that, it was smooth sailing.
  3. I wouldn't have any problem buying this. It's 100 grams for 550 baht. It's not high end bud, but it's probably good. Like I said before, I've seen vendors at markets selling loose buds and the same bud pressed into bricks alongside each other. It's not the moldy brick I sometimes saw 30 years ago.
  4. 350 is still way too much for me. $10.50 usd for one joint.
  5. What do the signs at the airport say? I know it's technically illegal to fly out of the country with weed. Honestly, I was thinking of bringing a small amount back with me to the US. It's legal in the state my plane lands in. I could deal with it being confiscated but don't want to end up in a Thai prison. I did fly domestically recently within Thailand with weed and didn't really give it much thought and didn't have any problems.
  6. Break it up with your hands first and pick any seeds out before grinding it.
  7. Not a good idea to loan Thai people money. You'll never get it back. If his weed is so valuable, he should be able to sell it and pay you.
  8. Probably. The bud from Sattahip was far stronger though. I smoked 2 hits and was very stoned for 5 hours. The other bud, I take 5 hits and I'm moderately stoned for 2 hours.
  9. I've had brick weed in the United States when I was younger that was spoiled or just awful. This isn't bad, it's not great either. It tastes and smells OK, not great. I'll finish the rest of this.
  10. This is the cheapest weed I've bought here, I've only been here 2 months. It's brick weed. My GF's niece bought it for me when we were visiting the north section of Thailand, all farm country there. It was 100 baht. Not sure what the weight was, I smoked about half of it. Must have been 10 or 20 grams. Definitely not the best, but it's not bad either. I wouldn't turn my nose up at brick weed if it's priced well. A lot of the sidewalk and market vendors sell brick weed. I think Thai people are used to compressing it into bricks.
  11. This I bought at another night market down towards Sattahip. It's not the cheapest, but very reasonably priced. It was 40 baht /gram, with discounts the more you buy. This is a 6 gram bag for 200 baht. He had about 6 varieties. The most expensive was 280 baht /gram.
  12. I can see trichomes on it in the photo. Like the other guy said, they tend to fall off. Unless you're handling each bud with tweezers and placing them in Mason jars. This is very good, inexpensive weed. It smells great, it's sticky and packs a good buzz. I'm just showing there is good weed available here for low prices.
  13. I don't know what strain it is, wasn't labeled and I didn't ask. They only had 2 similar looking varieties. It was a small market. I've found much better prices at outdoor markets or sidewalk vendors, for average and premium stuff.
  14. I bought this at a night market in Pattaya. 20 grams for 200 baht. It's cheaper in larger quantities. I wouldn't call it premium, but it's very good. Has a few seeds. It's also sold in a brick form for about the same price.
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