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Everything posted by BKK24
It's happening in Khun Yuam district of Mae Hong Son. This's where those 5100+ refugees are crossing over. The Thai might have closed the Mae Sai crossing as pre-caution, just in case more refugees want to cross here too.
No calling, I just sent them the email asking about the address issue among other things. I will share all their reply once I have them. I'm hoping it should be OK since we have been with them for so long with quite large sum in our accounts all together. We're still in the US, haven't move to Thailand yet and not sure if we still want to keep our condo here. If we have to keep our condo because of the address issue, then we might have to. We're not that super wealthy, so money will stretch quite thin, since we're not at retirement age to withdraw from SS yet.
According to the thai news: There's some serious fighting going on the other side. Serious enough that there is about 5100+ refugees just crossed illegally to Mae Hongson area, and we're expecting more in up coming days according to the thai army.
Where did you get this information about...you must be us citizen with a US address ___any link to this would be appreciated it I couldn't find it anywhere on google that say the Patriot Act will make bank/financial institution only insure us citizen with us address only. All I can find is that the ACT only requires banks to use the best due diligence and to develop and implement their own anti-money laundering program and emphasizes a number of mandatory checks and screening capabilities. Nothing on it anywhere that says - they will not insure the deposits of us citizen living aboard with foreign address
Wow thank you for all comments from your personal insight and experiences I and my wife love reading them and certainly sure many others who’s browsing around here do too. The comments are very interesting with unique perspectives - both good and not so good We’re aware of bad air quality 3-4mos in a year. Chiangmai airport - this’s one of our top lists on why we picked Chiangmai as our next home because it’s the international airport where we can easily escape to Europe and other Asian countries just hours away and quick trip to bkk or beaches too. Not to mention that houses in our budget range (low) in a good clean moobaan are still plentiful vs Bkk where we can only buy a tiny little shoebox condo. We don’t think we will get bored that much as we work online (M-F) and have only weekend to spare for our interests in sightseeing of countryside, markets and organic farms, and don’t care much about going into the city center square unless friend & family member want to go. We’re wondering about the foods too, my wife said they’re not as good thai foods as in BKK. It may not be up to the par with BKK but that’s ok, it’s still manageable and we always can cook some at home too.
Yes we both have the state DL, but not aware that it's required to change the address at our brokerage firms. Certainly we will have to verify this with both companies. Good point to be aware of....thank you Yes it's getting more and more difficult by day to keep you account with many of US banking institutions, as if they don't like you to leave the country. Who knows next they might charge you the exit tax too, they are talking about it in Illinoi & California. Thanks god I'm in Las Vegas - Nevada, and just flipped the state from blue to red, but the city mayor is from independent party - leaning right so I still have a bit of time to run way. It's easy to move physically but not so when it comes to banking & finance esp when you have more than just social security payment to manage. So what happen when they closed your Vanguard acct, did you find a replacement with another brokerage firm?
Thank you for your insight We're planning to port our US phone number with google, and already have GV number for backup for SMS one time password. GV number works with both Fidelity & Schwab, already tried it Yes Fidelity will not let you buy mutual fund which not a problem for us as we're normally trading only ETF. I will have to check with them again just to confirm for sure that I can change the address online by myself once in thailand. We can't call Schwab yet because we still have TD Ameritrade account. The merger between 2 companies won't be completed until Sept 5 this year For regular banking - we open account with Navy Federal and they said they won't close our account when we live in Thailand, and can do regular banking functions normally. My wife called and emailed to them to reconfirm this twice already. I'm not in a navy but as long as you know somebody in military they will let you open an account with them, so that's how we did it. We rather not keeping our US condo, just want to sell it and have a clean move. Also we're not in retirement age yet to withdrawal our social security, so we need the US house proceed to buy a new one in thailand. We don't have any relative in the US, I'm not from the US and my wife is Thai. We want to move because this country is getting crazier and crazier by everyday
Why did you move here instead of other cities in Thailand? Are you still happy being here or any difficulty/caution you want to share? Just want to hear from those who have the first hand experience I was thinking of BKK, but the wife said it's always flood every year (just more or less each year), too many mosquitos (dozen species of them) and too hot & high humidity. In addition to being too close to her family, the main issue is that the family like to go to temples but she doesn't like to go that often. On her day off she just want to sit back and relax at home.
Has anyone done this while in Thailand easily online? We're moving from US to Thailand soon and may have to rent first before buying a home, so may have to do the address change once or twice while in Thailand. I know I can call them up and ask this question, but just want to get some real life experiences from those who are in Thailand. We need these accounts and cannot close these accounts as we are trading from these accounts regularly. If there will be any difficulty we want to know ahead of time and may decide to keep our US condo at the same time while only live part time in Thailand instead of full time. We both have ira & brokerage account with them Thanks in advance
It's in thai .... here is the news Have a nice day mrs. bkk24
From the city municipal news - they are in the process of putting all overhead electrical cables underground under both 2 roads Nimman & Huakaew - for cleaner look mrs bkk24
Just from my observation -It seems there are too many moobaans got built spreading all over the place without many basic essential supported services close by - like police, fire dept, school, hospitals. - House designs in most moobaans 3-6m here are so unattractive 2 story cookie cutter and very difficult to find cute one story close to the city. The homeplan/floorplan seems like in 1940s-1980s era In addition to unattractive DIY carport extension by most owners, why didn't those builders build the carport big enough to cover a car knowing that what they built mostly is too short? I find this a very strange practice
Thank you all for the replies, they are very interesting and quite helpful. We already have our eyes on 2 moobaans (one in ChangPheuak high on the river bank, and one in north of Hangdong-Mae Hia area 5 mins to airport & 24hrs hospital), they are still just under 4m. At one point we're considering building new, but this would take too long and no way to inspect it periodically, since we're not in Thailand yet. The mrs is a thai. We thought of looking for more helps here for any area/moobaan or tips, we may have overlooked. - Our lifestyle is quite simple. Both of us don't drink & will be working from home (8pm-3am) so we need a bit quiet and cooler place at nighttime so the windows can be open without having to turn on AC all day & night. We both enjoy good value thai and fusion foods (but not at tourist price though), that's why we would like to have easy access to a lot of food places & will be spending time on weekends exploring mountains, many organic farms and village lives - for our instagramable photos to share with friends and family - we love photography and a bit hiking - As for schools, we're thinking on fostering a child (or two if sibling) from the government orphanage here - to get them to better school and have better opportunities in life , the mrs said the cost is free for a thai to even adopting them. That's why a school nearby is a plus, just in case we go ahead with this plan. Thanks again for all your insights and taking your time to reply, we're very appreciated
- We have been doing some research and are still couldn't find the right one. Mae Rim - seems too lonely,& only one 24hr hospital, but cooler weather thou Along the canal road - seems interesting, but nothing in our price range (3.5 - 4m bth) close to town Mae Hia (South of airport area) - Serene Lake mooban seems nice, but out of our price range Doi Saket road - prices are cheaper along this road, but there is not much thing to do - Hope you guys here have some good suggestions, or which are some good value and well maintained subdivision - We don't want to be too far from the airport, hospital, and schools nearby - We also have noticed that the foods here are quite compatible in prices as in BKK, thought they would be cheaper. This is a tourist town, I guess Thank you in advance of any suggestion