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  1. Last time I mentioned these bloody pests I was called out for it, 'oh how do you know it's Russian haha 'well now you can see, and believe me this is NOT a one off incident. It's been going on for months and the plods do sweet fa. They're scared of them.
  2. Then do let us know why Taksin upped the pension requirement from 200k to 800k and brought the unenforced 90 day parole report back. And the junta chucking farangs out of the country for years depending on their 'overstay' if we 'aren't important'. I've had ordinary Thais, one very recently thanking me for staying here so long 'What would we do? All the rubber trees have gone'. Contrary to popular belief on this forum, we are appreciated, excepting the knuckle draggers.
  3. I'm REALLY looking forward to the cleaning up of the taxi mafia and police corruption on Phuket ????
  4. I was told 80k. Could be a tad high but it's not cheap. As per
  5. At least they cleared the beaches and revived the waterways down here on Phuket. Last MF leader wanted to roll back the regulations on the 'poor fishermen' and suggested 'there are many more places to visit on Phuket than the beaches' even though that's what tourists come here for. If they want to sit in a snake infested field, hey, have at it. I'm guessing Tanatorn MII.
  6. What? Like their banner waving reading, in English, 'please help us' during the 2010 red shirt rallies and nobody came?
  7. No but now has a moat. The longer I live here the less I'm able to wrap my head around just how confoundingly stupid (most) locals are. The overnight/morning rain has left two parallel klongs along the soi. A mere matter of time before some driver ends up in one or either. The edges of the funnel have washed away so being able to navigate the soi is almost impossible, particularly at night. Neither of these things would aggravate so much if they hadn't had the so many days off, hence the buttock crunchingly snails pace . Even the local Thais roll their eyes and say 'Thailand!' A Thai neighbour told me they were advertising on Facebook for more workers, and this was just two weeks into the project. Perhaps an actual 'newspaper' may give them a kick up the 4rse, but I doubt it. They.Just.Don't.Care
  8. This morning I noticed they'd flattened the soi about 100 meters dead in the middle with a slope up then down at each end with the soil now abutting the concrete tunnel either side. I asked one of the workers I know speaks English well 'You flattening the whole soi? 'Yes' 'That'll take about a year to finish all' 'Yes!' Having said that I get a different answer every time I ask how long? Anyone know?
  9. Agree with everything you say. I get tired of the 'well everything's cheaper here', no it's NOT. I was quoted the exact same price for the same op at both a government and a private hospital . However, have decided to put up with the pain rather than have a blood transfusion. I'd had a consult at a subsidiary and the option was another op. I asked about all the tainted plasma now floating about and the surgeon said 'Hmm yes. Well you can always use a TENS machine'. So if I can't find a facility providing 'blood management', looks like I'm stuck with it. In Europe I could sue, but here?
  10. A neighbour recently had a PET scan carried out in a Malaysian hospital. He said the prices quoted by Thai hospitals were far too high. The scan came in at half the price of Thailand and had he not had Thai insurance he would have had his operation there. Has anyone else had experience with Malasia? I've seen a few Indian hospital posts but not Malaysian which I'd've thought an obvious option to the rip off merchants here. He also said the facility was very good and the staff all spoke English. Even an English speaking nurse in Bangkok Hospital is rare. Bit necessary, but when I asked why not, some little upstart doctor called 'We Thai peopun, this Thailan' we speak THAI!' 'This international hospital with international prices I replied'. That shut the little twerp up.
  11. Yes, yes it does. You are incredibly naive.
  12. Oh another one. How do you know they have a criminal background? Possibly some lacking funds, criminals have money, ill gotten or otherwise. Mind your own business. Lot of miserable old colonel blimps on here. Get a life. Orrrrr, go back to your home country where 'illegals' are reported (sometimes) to have assaulted, raped or killed almost daily.
  13. So what? Not bothering you are they?
  14. Fabulous. So interspersed among all the weed shops we will then have 'hello welcome' every other one. Idiot country. Just keep it on the down low.
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