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  1. The USD is tanking against the Euro. Money talks.
  2. So the South African-American's assertion is - Biden delayed the return of the astronauts so that they wouldn't return during the Biden presidency. Rather it was preferable to return the astronauts during the Trump presidency. Right. That's makes a lot of sense. To retards.
  3. Yeah - like, "Oh, look what you made me do now! You made me stop giving you weapons!". Hilarious. Still no answers from a single one of the MAGA's here with a logical or reasoned answer on why they now love Russia and Putin, after hating them as a deadly adversary for decades. I'm quite sure they don't even know the answer themselves. They're that weak minded and fickle, whatever Big Donny says is good - so it must be, FK YEAH USA USA USA!! Donny laid out his strategy when he said 'The EU has screwed America'. His cure for the failure to win economically (he admits it) is to encourage Putin to make war on Europe. That'll show 'em! That's what it all boils down to.
  4. I watched an interview on TV today with an expert on 'Russian strategic matters'. He made a very interesting point on the US freeze in weapons support for Ukraine. He pointed out that Ukraine has so far been restrained from launching full scale missile and drone attacks deep inside Russia by the US. Ukraine has had to limit its attacks in order to retain that US support. Now its gone there's nothing holding them back now from unleashing on Moscow - just as Moscow has been unrestrained in its attacks on Kiev and other deep Ukrainian cities. Major escalation on the way then! Well done Trumpy.
  5. Speaking of which - anyone noticed the common denominator separating all Trumps 'friends' (loose term in his case for sure) and enemies? Macron (hugs n kisses) Starmer (pats on the head) Israel (bare back blowjobs) Russia (praise and admiration) N Korea (big smiles and suck ups) As opposed to; Canada (trolled and threatened) Denmark/Greenland (trolled and threatened) Ukraine (humiliated and gaslighted) Panama (trolled and threatened) Rest Of The World (largely ignored or dismissed) The obvious answer is NUKES. He respects 'em all, as long as they have NUKES. No NUKES and yer a potential takeover target, or a nobody.
  6. Rubbish! You fought proxy wars all over the globe with Russia for 35 years after the fall of the USSR! You pointed nukes at them and called them 'the greatest threat' - until China broke out and started eating your industries for breakfast (with the avid co-operation of your oligarchs - including *cough* Elon!). Try again. We're still waiting.
  7. Hey man, the Soviet Union fell apart in 1989. That was 35 years ago. But the US continued to blackguard the new Russian Federation just like nothing had changed. So you gave a bull crap answer. I ask again - why has Russia suddenly become the 'friend' of hardline MAGA supporters? What happened to change their attitude so much that they now SUPPORT Russian aggression? I'm waiting - all ears.....
  8. What I'd like the MAGA's here to explain is where and when they (as a movement) had their 'Road to Damascus' conversion from seeing Russia (and the USSR) as the greatest threat EVER to USA! USA! USA! - to becoming 'partners for peace', attacking all former allies, and letting bygones be bygones with the old enemy. Quite bizarre on the face of it. They've been using the 'Russian threat' excuse for 80 years to terrorise the whole world with the insanity of the MAD doctrine (Mutually Assured Destruction) and also as an excuse for the numerous invasions and proxy wars the US MIC has launched against any country that dared to side with Russia or take aid from Russia (Korea? Vietnam? Afghanistan? Libya? Chile? Cuba? etc etc). And as an excuse to keep their military bases all over the globe, and demanding their allies spend billions to buy weapons from them - to defend against the VERY SAME regime which they suddenly have decided aren't so bad after all. Just misunderstood, all those wasted years. They've had nuclear weapons pointed at each other for decades, and actual threats of imminent nuclear warfare have been threatened by both sides - most recently by Putin. Yet suddenly, just like flicking a light switch, these anti-Russian zealots have become little puppies, snuggling up to the old adversary/enemy that they have hated and cursed for all these years. The rednecks must be rootinging through their wardrobes like crazy, binning all those 'Nuke The Rooskies' T Shirts and baseball caps. What next? Hanging the Russian flag on the house on May Day? Such a change of hearts and minds - maybe a kind of admission of defeat finally?
  9. America did the same to the Kurds, and ran away from Afghanistan. The world is watching and learning. Trump says Zelensky is playing with WW3? The way I see it America is doing that by breaking up the Western Alliance and selling out to dictators around the world.
  10. Think that's bad? Check this out. American teen detained in Paris after newborn fatally thrown from hotel window
  11. Stick your guns up yer bum. Ireland is a neutral country.
  12. You mean Ireland would have to pay to take it? Not sure that 50quid would suffice. Just did a rough calculation on the 15 Billion saving by UK on getting out of Ireland - that'd bring the defense spending up to 3%. A number that Starmer is hoping to reach by 2030 (by upping UK taxes I presume). This is a serious Win Win for Ireland and the UK. The only losers are about 100K hardline Ulster Loyalists - fk 'em. I should write to Trump with this idea. He'd probably make me Chancellor Of Reunification (COR). I'm pretty sure he could twist Starmers arm to do it if he gets the notion. Problem solved! (800 year old one). Oh, and by the way - I wonder how much of the 'defense' budget is actually blown on keeping NI 'under control' (eh, defense, y'know) instead of having those same guns and squaddies over in Ukraine pointing at the REAL enemy!
  13. Wait a minute, wait a minute! I've got an idea! Last year the UK spent 54 Billion Pounds on defense. In the same year the UK 'subsidized' Northern Ireland to the tune of 15 BILLION Pounds (that's Billion - with a B). Give Ireland back to the Irish, put the savings in your defense budget, you might even have enough left over to keep your pensioners from freezing to death.
  14. There's growing enthusiasm for the Trump adminstration to audit the Fort Knox Gold Reserves. It seems likely to happen, and probably should. If it goes ahead there are 3 possible outcomes; 1. The Gold is all there at 999 fineness. 2. The Gold is low quality (995 fineness or less) - maybe even fake gold plated tungsten. 3. There is NO gold (it having been sold off years ago). In scenarios 2 & 3 there will be panic in world currency markets, especially in scenario 3. If the Dollar is revealed to have had zero backing (yes, the USD Gold Standard was dropped, but not the Gold Reserves backing) it's value will plunge. All of you Yanks living in Thailand on USD will see your USD wealth obliterated instantly. Thanks to Trump. My gut feeling is the Gold is NOT in Fort Knox, or is fake/low qual. So if the audit goes ahead - hang onto your hats. Get ready to flee Thailand.
  15. I have to agree with the posters who predict a coup in the USA. Trump is moving too fast, saying too many stupid things, and alienating too many allies. I wouldn't be in the least surprised if someone close to him bumps him off in the near future.
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