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Posts posted by Scout666

  1. And in another example of Thai girls going nuts.... last Sunday I was out drinking with friends and witnessed one of the chaps with us get hit over the head with a bottle by apparently his "GF" - she had to be restrained as although his head was bleeding profusely and he was being helped by several farang friends, she still wanted to get in and attack him some more.... I left soon after but heard that later in the evening she turned up with a knife and tried attacking him again.

    From what I've experienced and seen a lot of these girls have no idea how to control their emotions, they are extremely immature and react without thinking.

    Immature is one way to put it. Crazy another. Dude, dump your GF before you become the next victim! There's a million nice girls in Thailand.

    As for the victim I have to say this: May you rest in peace. In death, we're all the same.

    Perhaps karma got him when least expected, when he's already mended his ways. Maybe not, I don't know. But forgiveness is divine. It's a common misunderstanding that forgiveness is an act benefiting the one who's forgiven - in reality it's benefiting the one doing the forgiving much more.

    A wife killing her husband is a tragedy for all involved.


    Well said Nikster: " It's a common misunderstanding that forgiveness is an act benefiting the one who's forgiven - in reality it's benefiting the one doing the forgiving much more."

    I would not disagree but would however, like to suggest that, ultimately, there becomes a mutual 'benefit' of equal proportions should both parties be sincere in action and reaction.

    "The whole purpose of religion [read: civility] is to facilitate love and compassion, patience, tolerance, humility, forgiveness." Dalai Lama.

  2. This isn't going to make me very popular with some people, but I'm going to take the bait and respond to some of the statements;

    Mr scout:Iknow who you are and what you did for your country if i were a englishman i salute you.

    And Edward saluted the nazis too. Fortunately, he abdicated as King and Great Britain benefited from the honourable, patriotic and decent King George....................................

    please do not let me delay your departure for Valhalla. If you want, we can send you off with a box of party sandwiches and some of that delicious mead from Heiðrún the goat.

    Geriatric Kid. Despite your name I am confident that it has never occured to and never wil,l that you have the argumentative logic of a five year old. God know how many hours you wasted putting that pile of clap trap together. I can almost see yourself now preening in the mirror and thinking 'My wasn';t I smart"


    That "pile" had a heap of 1,199 words albeit 992 words were his/her own. That's a tremendous amount even for a dedicated Devil's Advocate.

    One should really take into account that generally speaking, people who make piles usually leave corresponding holes.

    • Like 2
  3. Directed directly at the Geriatrickid.

    Maybe, the quote cum slogan at the bottom of your post that reads:

    "How come dogs always pick the worst times to provide an indication of their presence?"

    should in fact read:

    How come some posters always pick the worst times to provide an indication of their presence?

    Reason for edit: Line spacing.

    • Like 1
  4. So, now there's some new information in this case:


    Caretaker Witnessed the Death of Johan Winlöf

    Exclusive: ScandAsia at the Crime Scene. The late Johan Winlöf and his wife had a tough marriage with loads of arguments and fights, says the caretaker at the building where the two lived. Their apartment is now empty, while information cast a new light on Ornanong Winlöf’s claims of self-defense.

    Read the whole story here

    Read the story. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. This might be 'News' to those of you who did not know him (...some of you - so quick to judge him nonetheless) but it's not 'new' to those who DID know him! Similar statements concerning the previous 4 years of marriage are pouring into Police Headquarters almost on a daily basis. People currently abroad on business, are returning to make their statements also. As I wrote a few days ago; the truth will out!

  5. Johan Winlöf's Secret Past as Violent Nazi Leader


    Well, that changes the story a a bit...

    Really? How do you arrive at that conclusion? It was 25+ years ago. Why do you not speak with Johan directly and ask him about such events? Oh! I forgot - silly me - you can't do that because he is dead!

    The story IS - that he has been killed less than a week ago. Let's keep to THE story shall we?

    Written by someone who has NOT read about something third-hand!

  6. Back on point!

    I was shocked to encounter the alleged 'killer' leaving her old stomping ground Toy Bar this evening, just as I was entering. Leaving so fast and unexpectedly I scarcely had time to realise it was her,  let alone address her.

    She'd apparently been in there a long while having a chat and a drink with a few pals! (<deleted>??)

    All any of the chicks in there would later say about the alleged murder  was ....  'accident' ....  'accident'!

    This thing leaves more than a few very serious questions!

    Would you please see my PM which contains a heartfelt plea on behalf of a third party who would wish the investigating authorities to realise that this sad case is not going to go away without 'justice prevailing'? Your account above is important to their monitoring. Please trust me when I say, that this 'third party' is influential.

    I thank you in anticipation.


  7. My girlfriend came home from Soi Cowboy last night around 4am and woke me up to tell me that one of the girls working in Dundee bar had stabbed her boyfriend/husband in the chest and killed him.

    From what I gathered at the time this happened in Cowboy, although it could just be that she was told about the murder via the bargirl grapevine.

    I have no idea if this is the same person, but it seems odd that 2 similar events occurred in one evening.

    In any case RIP to the poor guy and condolences to his family and friends.

    Now as for Thai girls being psycho, my girlfriend of 2 years regularly goes nuts when she is drunk (which being a bar girl is on a daily basis) and afterwards its as if nothing happened.

    She thinks nothing of using weapons and has picked up pool cues, pool balls, bottles and knives. So far she has never managed to actually connect with anything as I've blocked or subdued her, but the mere fact she thinks its acceptable to even pick something up and threaten to use it is way out of order. I know from her history that she has hit previous farang boyfriends.

    The problem I have is that when she does go nuts she threatens to have me thrown out of the building we are in, claiming she'll get security to throw me out, she is very friendly with the motorbike boys and I worry that she would tell them to beat me up and worse still is she has an uncle who is a policeman and she regularly threatens to tell him to come after me. So I stay with her for the times when she is sweet and nice and put up with the outbursts for fear of what she *might* do. I do not do anything to make her angry, it usually is a result of something someone has said or done to her at the bar and then when she comes home I get it....

    I considered the alternative of leaving her and moving to another place, but I can't find anywhere as convenient as where I am living now and my lifestyle here would mean I'd still see her almost everyday unless I completely changed which bar I drink at and where I go in Bangkok....

    And in another example of Thai girls going nuts.... last Sunday I was out drinking with friends and witnessed one of the chaps with us get hit over the head with a bottle by apparently his "GF" - she had to be restrained as although his head was bleeding profusely and he was being helped by several farang friends, she still wanted to get in and attack him some more.... I left soon after but heard that later in the evening she turned up with a knife and tried attacking him again.

    From what I've experienced and seen a lot of these girls have no idea how to control their emotions, they are extremely immature and react without thinking.

    "From what I gathered at the time this happened in Cowboy," inaccurately gathered - "although it could just be that she was told about the murder via the bargirl grapevine". Who would have thought it?

    "In any case RIP to the poor guy and condolences to his family and friends." Much appreciated - thank you!

  8. Sincere condolence to you, Scout666.

    Thank you sincerely. (See PM.) And the same goes to all his friends and colleagues of which there are many, both Thai and foreigners, who have high regard for him, both at work and at play.

    "Sorely missed" seems insufficient.

    Lastly, We all hope to see you again 'Mum'? Check my Email address on my profile please.

    Martin the Brit amongst the towering Swedes and extremely proud to be acquainted.

  9. I'm not sure the motive for the killing has yet been established.

    If the reason was to get her grubby little paws on his money and business assets, then i think she may have waited till he was populating a balcony over 30 feet vertical. Or maybe have him shot in his car at the traffic lights on his way home from the office to make it look like a road rage incident.

    The facts are still very hazy, and what we has is via a not too well translated Swedish news source.

    Usually when there is an inter-relationship murder for gain, then there is usually a conspiracy, or at least a little cloak and dagger.

    What we do know is that he was stabbed to death and his wife immediately arrested as the perpetrator.

    Sounds more like an act of rage rather than greed.

    I would imagine we will have more of the facts later.

    "Sounds more like an act of rage rather than greed."

    You are as close to the truth as one can get at this moment. The truth will out - I hope.

    He was my best friend for the last 12 years and like a younger brother to me. I still am struggling to come to terms with all of this. What I will say is that I am not surprised (devastated yes-but not surprised) given "the nature of the beast" and he being the gentlest of gentle giants.

    Good Bye my little brother - I lined up a few for you last night. Skål

    • Like 1
  10. :lol:

    Am I the only one who thinks she looks, stupid?

    Well, I have no objection to her or her costume from the viewpoint of "respectability" (whatever that is) but I do think it looks silly. That sort-of-hat she is wearing is just stupid looking. Yeah, I get the Elephant trunk idea, but it still looks silly to me. And from the point of posing for the camera...what's with the closed eyes look? Is that supposed to be "sultry" or something? She just looks stupid, looking at the camera like that with her eyes closed.

    I guess it's good that the Thais are trying something other than the old conservative tried-and-true. But whatever this "Pook" look is supposed to be , I would rename it the "Puke" look.

    My point of view: a "hi-so" Thai Bangkok mall-runner trying to hard to be too "trendy-chic". She's a real woman, so dress her like one.


    "That sort-of-hat she is wearing is just stupid looking."

    HAT!!! Do you know, I never noticed the hat! ;)

    Define "real woman"? She looks really real to me!

  11. I can guarantee you Thaksin's money has absolutely NOTHING to do with my family's support for the Reds. He could go lose all his money in Vegas and fall off the Hoover dam and we'd still support the Reds. And my wife has gone to the rallys decked out in red at Ratchaprasong for (((GASP!!!!!)))) no cash payment!!!

    That may be true. But in the end the redshirt movement only stands for what their leaders stand for. The redshirt leaders are there at the behest of Thaksin.

    No, they're not. Here's the philosophical test: If Thaksin lost all his money and died today, would the red shirt leaders pack up, say awww shucks there'e no reason for us to do this anymore, and quietly head home? I think not.

    Uhm. Now there is food for thought. I wonder if (when) that imagined scenario will be put to the test.

  12. I can guarantee you Thaksin's money has absolutely NOTHING to do with my family's support for the Reds. He could go lose all his money in Vegas and fall off the Hoover dam and we'd still support the Reds. And my wife has gone to the rallys decked out in red at Ratchaprasong for (((GASP!!!!!)))) no cash payment!!!

    That may be true. But in the end the redshirt movement only stands for what their leaders stand for. The redshirt leaders are there at the behest of Thaksin.

    Well, that put that nicely in a nutshell.

  13. What Anupong actually said, which has been taken out of context somewhat in the misleading healine, was:

    "Today the context and society are different. If politicians cannot solve the problem and the key issue at present is the parliament's dissolution, then I understand that the House must be dissolved. When that is needs to be discussed. I understand that this must end up with a dissolution of the House or a national government [shrugs his shoulders]. I don't know. They must talk it out. I want peace only."

    He did not directly say Abhisit must dissolve parliament because of what happened at the weekend. He did state an opinion that if an alternative solution cannot be found, house dissolutuion was the way to go. He is correct.

    If this is true; source? Then is there not a small glimmer of hope? When I heard the headline, I was horrified and fearing the worst - a coup. That's not say that that I think we will not have another one but, I do feel that the perceived time restraints given the headline “Thailand army chief calls for parliament dissolution” are not necessarily as immediately threatening. There is still time to solve the dilemma should ALL sides truly wish to find a mutually satisfactory solution for ALL concerned.

  14. Does anyone know of a contact number for ANYBODY within ethailand.com please? I have emailed ALL contact addresses and without exception, all mail has been returned as undeliverable. A while ago a chap named Hakan Alm of Vision House used to be 'responsible' (?) however that name seems to have disappeared also. Desperate to retrieve important mail form the mailboxes - 'nough said!

    Maybe a nastygram to all the email contacts here http://whois.domaintools.com/ethailand.com

    Interesting that one nameserver is thaivisa .. so maybe ThaiVisa can help

    Domain servers in listed order:






    Could this be one reason for their email woes?


    +asiacoordinator @ ethailand.com;419 on this page http://www.joewein.de/sw/dbl-update/2005-12-29.htm


    Technical Contact:

    Thailand Expat Forum c/o Dynadot Privacy

    PO Box 701

    San Mateo, CA 94401


    privacy @ dynadot.com


    This is old, but .. abuse @ ethailand.com

    Sure are a lot of similarities here http://whois.domaintools.com/thaivisa.com

    Has anybody made any progress on this subject. It looks to me that Thaivisa is some how involved in ethailand. Even the subscribe to newsletter link fails and refers you to thaivisa.com

    I wrote to privacy @ dynadot.com and as yet have not received an acknowledgement of any kind. Disappointed to say the least. As for the ThaiVisa connection: if such is the case then why has someone not picked up on this thread and enlightened us all? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

    Thank you all, for keeping this alive!


  15. Does anyone know of a contact number for ANYBODY within ethailand.com please? I have emailed ALL contact addresses and without exception, all mail has been returned as undeliverable. A while ago a chap named Hakan Alm of Vision House used to be 'responsible' (?) however that name seems to have disappeared also. Desperate to retrieve important mail form the mailboxes - 'nough said!

  16. I open it just fine

    Mails being bounced with a 550 mean that the user which is probably an alias in this case isn't found.

    That is not http://mail.ethailand.com/ - that is http://www.ethailand.com/

    I'm getting a blank side from http://mail.ethailand.com/

    So it is running, but not returning any data.

    My guess. Incompetent system administrator is playing around with his P0rn folders instead of recovering the host, or they decided that email services are a pain in the @$$ to run and closed it down. :o

    Sorry, but thats the best I can give you.

    Thanks for your interest

  17. I open it just fine

    Mails being bounced with a 550 mean that the user which is probably an alias in this case isn't found.

    That is not http://mail.ethailand.com/ - that is http://www.ethailand.com/

    I'm getting a blank side from http://mail.ethailand.com/

    So it is running, but not returning any data.

    My guess. Incompetent system administrator is playing around with his P0rn folders instead of recovering the host, or they decided that email services are a pain in the @$$ to run and closed it down. :o

    Sorry, but thats the best I can give you.

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