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Posts posted by PK2

  1. hardly anyone is going to find out - even more so if the rent is paid in cash and its another farang.

    You could be right there especially if the farang is paying another farang overseas. Perhaps not a big deal unless big money involved on the legality of trading in Thailand. But when you need money in Thailand and need it to be shown as legally brought in for purposes such as retirement visa for example, there might be a problem?

  2. Which is easiest place to get the Cambodian visa at the border?

    I've only done the organized visa trip to Poipet in the past. Then the tour bus would drop off passports at a Cambodian consulate (?) near the Inter Hotel sign on the main road in just before the border post. I've heard you can also get Cambodian visas at a counter after passing through the Thai departure immigration post before reaching the Cambodian entry post near the archway.

    UK pp holder.

  3. :o

    I guess what it all gets down to really is as a farang I am second class in most aspects really in the Thai culture. Either I am looked at rude or ignorant or not impostant as I stated I am just that a farnag. I have been ignored and treated badly just because of who I am. Non-thai and white. It really is a shame in some ways but I brought it on myself when I started coming to Thailand. But this type of reverse racism (Which I think alot of this is in my opinion) will not stop me as I love my wife and I do really for the most part Love Thailand and its culture. The road may not be easy but it is the road I picked.


    I don?t see how you can bring racism into the property purchase debate in Thailand! The rules are clearly there before you showed up, and you play by them or face the consequences.

  4. Thus I conclude that he rarely bothers to watch the movies. After all, the man can barely move unaided.

    Your conclusions are bull. I have seen the old git hobble into the cineplex on more than one occasion this yr. Confess his reviews are questionable though. The new reviewer Kong seems to have more life.

  5. i'm not sure if i would want to meet up and talk about the meaning of lyrics and pink floyd trivia with like minded folk.

    You aren't alone. I notice the web site that this thread has introduced to me shows little interest in meeting in many other parts of the world as well.

  6. I read Trinks column .., and it's not much good really,

    You are missing the point. As others have said Trink is an institution in Thailand. He was in his day a must read columnist. This is perhaps something newbies may not appreciate and prefer to pan his latter day efforts which dull in comparison. Before the Internet evolved I have seen many eager punters wait to catch his column on Bangkok and Pattaya?s nightlife in an airmailed copy of the Bangkok World whilst planning their trip back to Thailand in some far flung place of the world. He has left them with some fond memories.

    I don?t care for much he writes these days, but always read it, and would love to see him continue elsewhere.

  7. I wonder why you'd want to use different passports entering Thailand on different occasions.

    A number of reasons I might assume. Here?s some I just thought up not related to the original question which was more directed at the legality of using multiple pps in Thailand.

    1. Employer may need different passports depending on country of employment?

    2. Limiting the amount of time apparently spent in one country by spreading visa stamps between passports for tax or other reasons?

    3. Cheating on the wife?

    The list goes on?

  8. Not true.

    The original post was about a no mans land visit rather than a visit to ones homeland where entry chops are not used also. You still need to enter another country before extending your stay in Thailand on another trip. The only exception I see to this is if you just fly to a foreign airport and catch the next flight back without going through immigration controls in the foreign country.

  9. I always understood if you had an exit stamp from Thailand you had to enter another country first before coming back to Thailand. So at the Laos and Cambodian land crossings you?ve got to pay the fee for the other country or just do as earlier poster mentioned and not get any exit stamp from Thailand. Going to an airport like Singapore, Penang or Vientenne (not sure about this last one) and staying in the departure lounge there and returning is probably going to go by unnoticed.


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