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  1. They need to mandate speed tracking devices attached to these minibuses, I rarely traveled in one with a good driver, a to b or visa runs, Hua Hin - bangkok is prime example, take an hour or so longer to get a big bus but much safer.
  2. If you have a copy shop nearby, that isn't a 20baht/hr gamer cafer, most of them are able to fax, less trouble than minimal deposit for the virtual fax services
  3. I'd probably use one of the big players for a passport if sending international - tracked and with someone to call if its goes wrong - they usually have an affiliate in the big shopping and supermarket malls - e.g. there's one at Tesco OnNut that works with DHL / Fedex, can't remember which one exactly. DHL and Fedex didnt used to allow passports to be sent, not sure now, so you just tell them it's documents, they wont open it, brown envelope it before it goes in the document envelop.
  4. What did you pay for that?
  5. I'm weighing it up myself recently, then I remember story about someone who never locked their doors, as the doors were more valuable than any single item to replace, took a while for me to get round to his point of view, and whilst that was a villa in the jungle, and I'm in a gated community, so there's some differences I'm not sure we would benefit from a pricey security system, are they going to carry out my LCD TV past the sleeping security guard? if I'm away extended periods I have my laptop, phone etc.. anyway. There's still other valueables, but single item probably max out 15k and the logistic involved in removing would stress Fedex, I guess there's a concern they would get in whilst we were sleeping but surely they would choose a house where the owner was out, not one with all signs of living - car, shoes outside, patio lights on etc.. I'm not saying I'm 100% on the unlock door view, but certainly pausing on security system expense, another thing to weigh up If I was storing cash, jewellery, gold blocks, silver, paper bonds, rolexs, then maybe I'd consider or probably just rent a safety deposit box at the bank instead.. Whats the usual haul?
  6. Original point stands, point being the NHS is not mass messaging the larger community to get boosters despite what the person originally claimed, it now only suggested for a very limited % of the community - for those with weakened immune systems over 5 years old, and those over 75. NHS acting with common sense, not like the vaccine drives in maskland, I know some people (healthy middle aged) have had 4 boosters - insane..
  7. Dont go OTT though here - Scientists raise concerns about popular COVID disinfectants https://phys.org/news/2023-05-scientists-popular-covid-disinfectants.html
  8. The NHS is sending out messages? Which message did you receive - one for over 75? or 5 and under with a weakened immune system? You may be offered a seasonal booster if you: are aged 75 or over (you need to have turned 75 on or before 30 June 2023) live in a care home for older adults are aged 5 or over and have a weakened immune system https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/covid-19/covid-19-vaccination/getting-a-booster-dose-of-the-covid-19-vaccine/
  9. This means nothing in Thailand, filled with fear from three years of brain washing, a mere positive ATK test and some snuffles fueled with a bit of post-songkran media hysteria, would get you admitted in-patient at any hospital across Thailand. How many of these 2000 - a tiny number anyway - are on verge of dying - and if it was 2000 its still tiny. disproportional and idiotic to march back to 2021 madness
  10. I don't think you're doing to well in "reserving"....
  11. I think it's a fair guess that's it back to masking - if they ever stopped tbf, but patman30 doesnt mention anything specific either, but even if it's social distancing, stupid blue pipes and cellophane, removal of PE class, gloving in the canteen, face visors, weekly ATK tests or whatever 2021 crap revomitted - it isn't needed, the suffering and disruption to normal schooling has to stop.
  12. Bins can and often will be looted a few times before it reaches the landfill from my experience, an extra time if you're in a condo, so you should make a small effort to separate things out, even if you witness the auntie at Central mall empty all three recycling drop points into the same big black bag each evening, the fact they are separated out within, and bags transparent, make it much more probable for intercept. If you can't be arsed, just do the minimal, at least bag things like broken glass, vacuum dust, anything dangerous, or food waste away from things that can easily be recycled, I think at the price per kg the local recycling plants are paying they probably ain't going to peel a nappie full of poo off a can of chang . And keep cardboard from your Lazada addiction shipments separate - pays the most so just leave it by the bin flattened out - a few cuts with a utility knife sorts even an LCD tv box.. It's pretty easy here without going thornberg
  13. Wow, that's a rounding error for some of the largest hospital chains, that's not even a million baht a month, who is pushing that and why? I just can't imagine they woke up one morning and felt intense pity for some rounding error of a unaffiliated health conglomerate
  14. There is definitely unique aspects of xenophobia with the covid fear in Thailand, but the land office is interesting for a different reason in my opinion it was more a hierarchy thing there, when I was there recently the main head man and most supervisors roamed unmasked, the more senior desk girls were partially masked - hanging from chin or one ear unless they had to take stuff back to the main man, but the lower staff such as assistants, visibly young staff, and payment receipt office were all faithfully masked, and anyone on in the office including agents of the banks were masked to get the job done. For the benefit of society, my ar$e ???? You can see the hierarchy at play too most of time with the politicians, themselves and their peer ministers are unmasked but the lower down the food chain the more consistent the masking. Same with police. Same with actors. Same with talk shows. Mask the poor it seems ????‍♀️
  15. I found solarcoolth on facebook - but these look to specially in solar panels?
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