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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. agents in this case will ask a lot of money and all documents... I would be surprised they could pull this one off legally peope are quick with replies... no reading first that OP was never married but advising, with your marriage certificate... people who reply first have any idea or experience? I do... specially after divorce and a non co-operating ex-wife made my life extreme difficult... I got shared custody, wanted full, but ex opposed that, but had no interest in seeing her child... just for the fun of trying to get me out of the country... daughters go to the mother? nope... my daughter stayed full time with me, ex did not want to see her child and child did not want to see that devil mother...
  2. if you can afford it, ELITE VISA... for a parent of Thai child visa, which immigration does not even have full or correct info available, you will need to have a child living with you or shared custody... but as you are not married, no divorce and no shared custody forget AGENTS, I was quoted 65k years ago to 'help' and still wanted me to forward them all the info... which if you have all documents, you don't need them my ex was also a big pain in the butt... divorce with agreement in court she knew she could just ignore everything she had promised me, like giving me the needed docs for my extension, no penalties for her. The court clerk said: she is in her right, she does not have to provide you any documents, wtf, we agreed this in court or I would have not agreed with the divorce papers she signed... good luck
  3. says whom ? You need to proof to immigration that you have shared custody... ampur will not do that for you, but a mutual divorce agreement in family court will ... written, on paper... but in my case, my ex-wife signed so many things in front of the judge and respected none, knowing she would get away with it... if you can prove you pay for your child's education, aka bill from school, in my case they even asked for pictures of the child IN THE SCHOOL, with school emblem, etc... thank god we had some on the phone... and you have a place of your own, and space for your child and take pictures like for marriage, but with your child, and money in the bank... same as for marriage... sole custody will only be awarded by a judge, if they is proven abuse of the child by the other spouse... or the ex is so poor she sells the child to you... my ex was out to f. me in every way starting to leave the place we lived to unknown location, so I could not extend... then she would ghost me and my child ... no way of being able to leave the country, nor to extend normally ... dodgy agents quoting 60k or more to 'fix' this... watch out for dodgy lawyers or even people here on TV recommending their good friend, which in fact is their relative , like misery hunters out for a prey... I had quotes of lawyers that asked 100k to write 1 little paper for when my ex did not follow our agreement in court and off course promised nothing, except their fees being paid in advance...
  4. if children or property is involved : DO NOT DIVORCE AT AMPHUR !!! I speak of experience... a judge in family court will hardly give sole custody... so it is by definition shared... Once you have the divorce... you do your extension based on being a parent of your thai child... changing names, no experience, but probably need consent of both parents and off course a judge to rule over this... your wife , out of spite, sounds too familiar... she will not help with anything, she will try to make your life even more hell as you think it is... Divorcing at amphur gives you 7 days to go beg for at immigration, that you get and you have to go same day or next after amphur divorce as your extension will be invalid... thank you thailand for this nice law right...while your thai wife would have gotten long term residency in your country, just for marrying you... but TIT Option if your extension is due soon but wife will not help (as did mine) ? find an embassy (ex. Penang) to go get you a multiple entry visa... depends if you are almost 50 or over... then retirement would be an option, but I guess this is not the case ?
  5. how come a 12 month statement in 2023 takes a week... how come the bank cannot call whatever internal helpline to get this so this statement takes up to 7 days, but immigration need a fresh same day paper... catch 22 like coming here on a tourist visa unable to convert to retirement game as the bank won't open an account and immigration does not give a residence certificate without a 90 day report first... why would it be need if you go the 800k rule ? do they need a 12 month status for a new conversion of marriage to retirement? where the first only needed 400k and retirement only needs 800k 2 months prior... what is the use of the bankbook, they show transaction, specially if you withdrew money, don't they ?
  6. imagine you transferred 10 million baht equivalent into Thailand in steps, but did not know about FET and stuff remember the time where banks gave 3.5% ? that would be roughly an extra million baht every 3 years... this was 15+ years ago, so now the 10 million became 15 million of legal transactions + accumulated interest... but can you transfer 15 million back home ???
  7. I once rented out a house, via an agent... to a man that came to visit alone then I found 7-9 people moving in, where I thought a normal family of 4 would come... as long as they paid the rent and left the house in the same state they rented, and paid the utilities...
  8. And I thought airbnb was illegal if not 30 days contract ?
  9. what bank gives 0.5% on your retirement account? does it not have to be one of those where you can add and get money any day? I get a good 0,05% at Kasi(pop)corn
  10. 200 up / 200 down pre paid sim as the package came with a 3/4g sim with 5 gig per month so no need for an extra sim package post paid I just saw 399 but you need at least 349 mobile post paid package... I don't watch thai tv...but I love new series not available even on true or stuff that aired years ago, no thank you...
  11. Is there some kind of formula to determine the value of a lease contract for 30 years ? The house is about 10 years old with a sale value around 6 million baht (other houses listed in the same moo baan).
  12. hi, I have an Ais fiber router with family pack for 645 a month this included a tv box that I never use and a sim card with 5 GB of 3/4G I looked on AIS site for a fiber internet only pack without the extra fuzz, but did not find I might cancel the whole lot if someone could let me know if you can torrent download with those unlimited sim cards or are they blocking those ports ? or is True cheaper? I do not really need super fast internet either... but I do not have a phone line for xdsl either... Thanks for your input
  13. tried to register bitkub... app crashed on registering then at the very last... to identify... no passport allowed? wth only used to identify one self in the rest of the world... I don't have a driver's license, I take taxi when needed and a tax paper? I am on a pension visa, I pay tax on the first satang of savings... national id card. lol, if only thailand would give one to us farangs without all the fuzz... at least a pink one or any other color...
  14. limit of cash to europe is 10.000 euros max so how can I fly with 10x more ? easy to go to a bank ? I live where even the manager of the bank or the local MD speak any Angrit...
  15. I have been living in Thailand for 10+ years. In that period I transferred money via swift to my Thai bank account. I never knew (at that time) or worried this would be a problem if I would plan to move back to my home country. I do not have any FET paper, just swift bank transfers, many over the years. If I would plan a move back to my home country, I guess I might have problem sending it back to my home country? So, would buying some kind of stablecoin that keeps it value on an exchange, be a solution and log into the same account in my home country and withdraw small amounts when needed ? Bitcoin is just to volatile... last couple of weeks, up 200k for no reason other then greed then down 80k...
  16. thank you for the info, so in short, even my child is owner, I have no rights... should have taken a lease at the land department... lesson learned... when you trust your partner and when half is in your child's name... hope she will not mortgage the house to go buy useless stuff and endanger the financial future of my child
  17. I got a daughter with my now ex-partner and to protect me a little, as I can not own land /house, but off course I paid for it in full, we agreed years ago to put the house in joint daughter and her mother's name. My ex-partner plans to move in the near future and put the house for rent. I already moved on to live in a condo. I asked if we could split future rental income, but the relationship with my ex-partner is way beyond bad and think she is entitled to the whole rental income, as she is the only adult and I have no claim to anything, even my daughter, still a minor, is 50% owner. Do I as a the father (done the court thing), and parent of the minor owner, have any claim to a part of the rent ? I am afraid my ex-partner will just waste all the income and not use for our child betterment. Can I even legally go back to the house and find a renter myself, sign a contract and split the money with my ex-wife? thanks for your input
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