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Cameroni last won the day on September 6 2024

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  1. If you think somebody who wants to steal a motorbike is not a criminal, up to you, but he made his own bed, clearly. I won't mourn his loss, but of course you can't be happy someone died, and the force used was obviously excessive because the man died. Nevertheless he brought it about, as is very clear from the video.
  2. It is a bit higher than the 290 you'd pay in Manifreshto, but what you get is spectacular, a 5 star Western breakfast buffet that fulfills any and all demands. So for what you get it is fair price.
  3. No, it's terrible. Vietnamese and Indonesian is much better.
  4. I'm not glad he died, that's very unfortunate of course. But it does seem his demise was self-inflicted. Unless it turns out he was running from someone to kill him or was mentally ill. Either way, he is the party that caused this. Though yes the Thais unwittingly used excessive force and the death is regrettable, But in essence he seems a bad apple.
  5. Totally agree, it depends on the Thai girl. If she lost her father early and has a fond memory of him she may develop a taste for older men and this is more acceptable in Thailand. I am talking about normal ages now, not 72 or 89. If you're that old, well just try not to die.
  6. There's video! He clearly tried to steal the motorbike with 2 guys standing next to it. He's an idiot. He knew he would get into a fight and still tried to steal the motorbike. He rolled the dice....and lost. These kind of people don't belong here.
  7. Well for now he is doing a great job, dismantling USAID, the IRS, the DOE, thereby saving every American billions in taxes. What is so interesting is that nobody really saw this coming. He kept his cards close to his chest about what he would actually do in some matters.
  8. We will now celebrate a festivus for the rest of us!
  9. He went to a brothel, tried to steal a motorbike, a mobile phone, got into a fight. I mean he's the definition of an antisocial wastrel. I hope the Brits leave their underclass at home in the future or they'll ruin it for the rest of us fine and upstanding citizens.
  10. The Brit attacked them, tried to steal their motorbike, he got into a fight and lost. If you live by the sword you die by the sword. No sympathies for the antisocial criminal, good riddance.
  11. Nonsense, it's perfectly fine.
  12. Allright, I'll make it easier still. It's www.02tv.co But you will get ad pages pop up and such, just close them, the goodies are all there. You could download all the White Lotus episodes for instance, if you were so inclined.
  13. I love Bangers and mash. It all comes down to the quality sausages. A good British chicken pie is unhealthy but so good.
  14. This brings me back, I remember those "coconut cakes" in the markets in the UK. Mmmmmm
  15. Where do you get the sausages? You're not cooking a Sunday roast or a pie though, are you? Or fish and chips.
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