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Cameroni last won the day on September 6 2024

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  1. Another pointless communist step dance nobody needs. So many Spanish communities are dying, thanks to communist mismanagement, nobody needs crayz taxation on buyers, except communists to feed their voting base. You would have to be insane to buy a house in Spain anyway though, Spain is riddled with crime, African immigration and indigenous corruption. Taxation is ridiculous already, but pensions are great. Another Greece in the making. Since, as we all know, most Spaniards do not pay tax.
  2. I was just on Walking Street a few days ago and there was nothing, no fights, nobody accosted me, not even the prostitutes standing outside the venues, I was quite disappointed. A very tame street. Walking street felt more like a touristy road in Spain, Magalluf maybe, apart from the menus they thrust in your face. If anyone in Pattaya again boasts on here about the quality of women in Pattaya I will just laugh in their face though, the working girls were just as old and unappealing as in Chiang Mai. Even the Russians.
  3. The problem is that attributes like kindness, compassion, caring only are of relevance if you are physically attracted to her in the first place. A gal can be Mother Teresa, but if she looks like her her kindness won't make you want to be with her. It's the same with women, btw, if the guy is attractive different rules apply. If he isn't it's sexual harassment. I guess nature built us for physical attraction.
  4. No, there is no way a 9 or a 10 would ever be considered a 3, by anyone. People who say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, well, they're wrong. There are rules to beauty. And some women are so stunningly beautiful ANYBODY would say they're a 10. Yes, there are personal preferences of course. But a 10 is a 10 for anybody in the modern world. I am of course excluding tribes removed from modern life where bizarro beauty rules apply. But for us in the modern world the numbers rating makes perfect sense and if anyone is in any doubt what a 10 is, happy to post pics.
  5. Actually that's a fair point. 10s are, by definition, very rare. Yet it is not impossible to meet one.
  6. The gripes with 10s can be corrected. Bad performance in bed? She can be taught. Lack of integrity? She can learn that lies have consequences. You can't make good wine from bad grapes, so if she's a truly rotten human being, fine, but some 10s are not, they are capable of learning. It's a risk of course.
  7. I had a date with a Filipina who is a 5 at best. Great company, fun personality. But the thick behind and legs and round head, strangely shaped eyes etc, I didn't even feel like smashing her. Still enjoyed the company. But in the end you have to be physically attracted. Now with a Thai girl who is a 10 and while the personality is nowhere near as fun, the convo not as flowing, there is a real sexual tension which the Filipina could never elicit. All this soul to soul, personality stuff is just applicable AFTER you are actually physically attracted.
  8. It's well known that 10s are an entitled nightmare to date. Inside and outside of Thailand. But would you date an ugly lwoman just so that you don't have to deal with other guys hitting on her? Probably not. So why date a 6 for LTR? I just can't do it. I can't live with myself if I see her and just feel disappointed due to her looks. Yes, integrity is a massive problem with 10s, yes, bedroom performance too, yes, everything in the OP post is true. But I still would prefer a 10 over a 6 for LTR.
  9. Yah, that sounds totally convincing. A very honest man clearly and totally innocent.
  10. Very shocking leftist dirty laundry. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
  11. Absolutely right, that should be added on.
  12. Let's look at it in detail, put some meat on them bones: Mobile phone 300 Internet 500 Water 130 Electricity 2600 Groceries 8000 Grab dinners 3200 Transport 3400 So yah, it can be done, IF you don't get health insurance, Netflix, luxury Euro foods and breads. But it's super-tight. I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
  13. Spot on, I opted for Jomtien as there's no traffic near this resort so I can sleep. And only 15 mins into the action, so I can live with that.
  14. You're not wrong, it was a scramble to get the last room in this resort. But I got it.
  15. Hopefully paying for my lunch. She works in a factory, you know.

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