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  1. Hi, anybody knows when do they fix their website?
  2. Yes, probably it's about the new passport. Thank you, will contact them.
  3. Thanks, I will email them, or call. For sure system is not perfect - I had 2 applications for my Dependands stuck in "Pending" status for 1.5 months. I wasn't sure if it's Okay or not, because they are kind of linked to mine, but in the end their IT fixed it. Anyways, thanks.
  4. Thank you. The thing is that I've already been at Step 4 "Qualification Approved". On the Information page there was this button to proceed - upload actual documents and update address info, etc. So I did and submitted, and application moved to Step 5 (I guess). But now I have this strange "Return Pre approved" status which I don't recognize in the schema ))) So it worries me. Maybe it's OK ????‍♂️ Regarding notifications etc. - yeah, it's kinda not obvious. E.g., when I got my "Qualification Approved" status, I didn't get any emails from BoI - I just saw it in account )) In the Notifications area I still have only endorsement from 20th March.
  5. I have this status now, after "Qualification Approved" status and uploading the needed documents for the next step. But I don't see this status on the Information page. If this Okay? Maybe it's some kind of transitioning status before "Issuance Pre approved"? I'm confused a little bit.
  6. Hello, everybody Maybe, somebody knows the following? I had my application in "Qualification Approved" status. I uploaded the needed documents (new passport which I changed) and filled all the information about last visit and address, etc., and submitted. Application changed status to smth like "Document Review for Visa issuance". And today my application is in "Return Pre approved" status - and just it, I can see nothing else to proceed. And I don't see this status on the Information page. Is that okay? Do I just need to wait a little more?
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