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Sparky Barry

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Everything posted by Sparky Barry

  1. He was gonna take 2 months security deposit anyway. When I moved in I saw all sorts of other damages. I got bad vibes from the guy straight away. Was cutting my losses.
  2. I broke my contract and left my condo one month early without notification. I've forfeited my 2 months security deposit obviously. When I moved in, I started seeing damages that were not listed, I felt scammed, my landlord is not trustworthy. I knew he'd try to scam me out of these unlisted damages. Now he is saying that the 2 months deposit does not cover the damages and I need to give him more money. Is this going to affect my immigration status if he pursues this further? Will I be able to leave the country in the future?
  3. Yes. Its a thyroid issue. Hopefully cheap and professional Thai private health care can help him out
  4. What is the milk he is licking in this ladyboy analogy?
  5. He's not that old, late 40s. Just a bit on the heavy side
  6. That sounds absolutely simple and perfect. You have a good one there
  7. Going out on a limb here, but I think he knows they'll like him for his money. His ex-wife treated him pretty badly and he would like to be appreciated for himself. He is also worried because ladyboys have quite a bad reputation. I just want him to find love, whether ladyboy or real lady
  8. Can you fight? People are just enjoying there holidays. Don't know why you would want to bring politics to a place of escapism. But if you insist, you better know how to defend yourself
  9. A friend of mine (no really) is coming out and is a bit partial to ladyboys (or thinks he is after decades of watching them online). He thinks he's too old now because he's read online and watched videos (like the one included) where they all want men with six packs and good bodies. My mate uses a mobility scooter to get around but can walk unaided as long as it's under a mile and not too hot. He's rather insecure about his weight/looks. https://youtu.be/_mobgUaag7A Have the years gone where Thai ladies like a man with wrinkles and a bit of weight on them? Will he be able to have intimacy with a ladyboy without her grimacing when he's not looking? Cheers, Bazzer
  10. Unbelieveable. It's a new world. Thanks
  11. I'll soon be moving to Thailand (5 weeks to go). Was thinking about setting up shop out in the sticks where I can buy some land (maybe near Cambodia border). I've developed a bit of arthritis over the years, does anyone know the availability and quality of weed out there? Do they even have weed shops? Much thanks
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