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  1. Yes, and even without these offers you can't decide to just send people back into hell. Did you know Mr TS that China is a bit different than UAE ?
  2. I don't see a lot of benefit from this turning back the clock measure. Long free visa will indeed not helping to fight illegal work and businesses, but the problem is that the good ones have to suffer the new rules caused by the bad ones. I come here to stay in my house for 5 weeks, now i have to start that hussle with a visa application again. Why not looking at the root cause of trouble makers ? Which countries do they come from ? How did some manage to set up illegal businesses ? By whom the illegal workers got employed ? Deepdiving and solving these root causes is much more effective than punishing the entire travel population.
  3. What is the "FRESH APPROACH" ? What is her approach and progress on the PM2.5 crises for instance ? And on the safety certificate system of busses (and their drivers) ? The fresh approach is maybe her performance like a well-trained and decent influencer, she does well as speaker at large crowds, she does well at pleasing Chinese officials, she does well at making promises. All the things Thai people are desperately waiting for.
  4. Yes, segregated areas, fence around, gate keeper, and influencers - or "Digital Creators" 🤣 as they're called on FB are kindly requested to join, making the picture of a fake world complete.
  5. Yes, but frankly, if you look back the video, she started the first physical 'contact' with her right arm and fist.
  6. "Thailand playing China's puppet again." How can you expect differently ? They are Sino-Thai. It is always claimed they have become real Thai, but that's far from true. Their roots, ancestors are from China, they will always act and decide to China's wishes, standards and you see it everywhere in Thailand. She was even proud on her Chinese roots recently, made it public. Can you imagine what that means ?
  7. "around £3,000 (approximately 127,500 THB) per day" £3,000 per day, for something like pneumonia or similar, in Thailand ! Can somebody explain me ? This sounds like a hospital for celebrities, world leaders. I knew that Bangrumrad in BKK s a famous international hospital with helicopter emergency services, maybe they come at these rates, but just an ordinary hospital in Hua-Hin ?
  8. "europeans in majority support Trump" Where did you read this ? A few right wing extremists will do of course 🤣
  9. Yes, and most striking, their last 10+ prime ministers, including the current one, are absolutely illiterate in English. I sometimes believe they prefer to study Chinese instead of English.
  10. "necessitating permission from the homeowner to break the toilet for removal." Is this a typo ? I think they meant the snake was broken in two pieces. At least that would be my suggestion to the emergency responders.
  11. "Open burning is discouraged" For reasons of understanding the seriousness, I like the word 'discouraged' instead of for instance 'prohibited' , or even better, 'Open burning could lead to 5 years in prison'. The word 'discouraged' says everything about the urgency and priority of the government to solve this issue.
  12. Yes, and the other tech CEOs are not much different. Just look the fear in their eyes behind the smiles at the inauguration.
  13. Yes, I also think it was him (on order from the big leader and his tech compagnons) :)
  14. Zuckerberg recognized he was almost too late, leaving the treasure to Musk. They all don't want to miss the train of unlimited privileges, tax benefits, support in fighting privacy restriction rules and claims in other countries. The new leader will help them. There is also a downside, they all have the same fate. If the experiment goes wrong, it will hurt, all around the world disappointed, ex-Musk supporters sell their Teslas. The same could happen to FB users.
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