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No Forwarding Address

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About No Forwarding Address

  • Birthday 08/25/1969

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    Some where Out There, maybe here.

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    Western Pacific

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  1. In 1973-74 - we would fly into Diego from Uthapao while they were building the Sub-Base - all I saw was goats and Seabees.
  2. In all fairness, I forgot to mention along with the acupuncture, I went thru Gua Sha and Cupping sessions, all seemed to work - there’s something to say about traditional Chinese medicine. Peace
  3. 4 eggs sunny side up, portugueze sausage, toast, coffee………..
  4. Hmmmm. I have been almost pain free for the past year……….guess it is a miracle huh??
  5. I have had good luck seeing a Chinese acupuncturist……….took half a year with weekly treatments but pain is gone, I couldn’t even wash under my arms, shoulders and upper arms were in such pain. plenty of them in Bangkok.
  6. They did just that here in Hawaii, after a 16 year old girl was killed walking across a crosswalk……you have to slow down, or you’re in for a bumpy ride - the humps are pretty high, and at high speed, can break an axel. It has cut down on speeding cars quite a bit. Peace
  7. What?? No Blue Cheese Dressing?? Sacrilegious
  8. Moderators, please close this dribble, it’s turned into loony toons. 😠
  9. All new constructions are on reinforced slabs, with rebar latice frames……..and don’t know what is under the footing but for buildings I think they use some sort of motion columns for tremor control. I only know this because I work in a Real Estate office and have visited some sites……….I am not an engineer, but read contracts for the properties we manage. Cheers
  10. It has been said, "if you never had lung problems before you moved to Bangkok, you will in two years”. I spend as little time in Krung Thep as necessary, at least in Jom Tien we have off-shore breezes.
  11. Well, actually I live in Hawaii at the moment, all new construction must be steel frame due to seismic activity………I have a condo in Jom Tien I spend time there when not here. Cheers
  12. Low hanging fruit, well you gotta start somewhere. Maybe they will start pulling over Thais as well.
  13. She'll have to learn to drink Labatts with a straw…………my only fear is the locals will go shark hunting for retribution. Swim Shark, Swim away!!
  14. The new ones Yes, the old ones No. My old house framed in Wood, my new house framed in Steel, fire retardant roof.
  15. Me thinks her CBP product is a little too strong for her………I am normally tolerant of people, but I listened five times, and still don’t have a clue what she was on about. Enlighten me please. Peace
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