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Posts posted by Eff1n2ret

  1. 1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    Therefore, similarly, the production of a tempting book cover for your Amazon-published book might be costly, unless one can have it designed in places like China or India where the cost of graphics design is more reasonable.

    It depends how much you want to pay, but buying the rights from a photo library isn't wildly expensive. I regarded what I paid for my cover designs and the print formatting as just the cost of a hobby, what I hadn't spent in a bar or whatever. For my last effort, which was just a short story I did it myself, with the aid of a pal who likes mucking about with photoshop type apps. On an internet search I found a picture which more or less conveyed the image I wanted, and asked the company for permission to use it in return for an acknowledgement on the title page, to which they agreed.

  2. I have four works published on Amazon (and Smashwords, which distributes to such as Barnes & Noble, Kobo and others). My nom de plume is Lionel Pettrick .


    I started writing just 5.1/2 years ago when at New Year neighbours gave me a handsome PTT desk diary, with a host of blank pages. It seemed a shame to waste it, and I wondered if I could fill it with something, so I started writing. I filled the diary and then some with 30,000 words of allsorts, part diary, part reminiscences, rants and other stuff. 


    At the end of it I thought, blimey, I can write, so I wondered if I could come up with something more substantial. This led to a couple of novels, and more recently a short story, all of a historical bent. It's not out of ego that I published them, just the hope that someone would  read and enjoy them. Only if you have massive followings on such as Facebook and Twitter should you harbour the illusion that you will sell more than a few. (I don't subscribe to either). Since the beginning of this year I have been selling a couple every month, all Kindle downloads, and I'm quite happy with that. Compared to some stuff I've read, I think mine isn't bad.


    I'm grateful to Amazon for enabling someone like me to be able to publish a book, because I doubt I would have much of a chance with conventional publishers. Early this year I wrote a movie script, but I now doubt it will ever see the light of day, the film industry seems to be a closed shop, and I guess that book publishing is much the same. I could turn my last short story, "The Modeller" into a movie, but I don't see the point now.

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  3. 1 hour ago, brianthainess said:

    Sound like Prigozhin has chickened out to me.

    Went more than half-way to Moscow then turned tail. Echoes of Bonnie Prince Charlie, got as far as Derby then ran back to Scotland. I don't suppose Prigozhin will last long enough to drink himself to death, as the Pretender did.

  4. 3 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

    And a side question, is the old TM30 (associated with the previous passport) still valid? Or should a 'new' TM30 have been filed on the most recent entry with the new passport? (same address)

    I can only relate my experience when I got a new passport and took it along to Rayong Imm. to get the stamps transferred from my old passport. This was done in a few minutes, and as they handed the docs back to me I asked  "What about the TM30?". The officer simply removed it from the old passport and stapled it into the new one - no amendment of passport number or anything. As the endorsements in the new passport include a reference to the number of the old one I guess they didn't think anything else was necessary. That slip of paper is well dog-eared by now.

    Whether other offices operate the same way is anybody's guess.

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  5. 18 hours ago, liddelljohn said:

    we will arrive in France  travel for a few days  in france to Limoges then down to Cannes  then San Remo in Italy  for a few days , then  accross italy over alps into Austria for a week at my cousins then  a lazy drive back via germany etc to Dieppe  ,,,


    Are you saying I should deal with French Consulate  rather  than one of the Service providers ???  Im only here for 2 weeks then back to Europe ,,

    Would this site help you? - Download France Visa Application Form - French Visa PDF Application Form (schengenvisainfo.com)


    I'm sure  you're aware that your wife has the right to apply for a Schengen visa as the family member of an EU citizen exercising their right to travel to EU countries other than their own - which in your case is Austria. As your first point of entry to the EU will be France she applies to that country for the visa.

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  6. 2 hours ago, anchadian said:

    For your information, one of my other pensions is with L&G in the UK.  L&G sent me a secure message and requested security questions to prove that I was still in the land of living which I answered, to which I replied again by their secure messaging system.  The whole process took several minutes.

    The International Pensions Centre please wake up.   

    Some pension providers don't seem to bother anything like as much as DWP and the Civil Service, my main pension providers. I have two smaller annuities with Canada Life and Royal London, and haven't had anything from them for several years, even P60s. I've not bothered too much, as they are fixed amounts, and as the tax rates haven't changed I've just used previous figures for my tax return. We don't get post deliveries more than once about every 4 or 5 months, so stuff just goes missing. I've not had either the DWP or the CSP Life Cert requests (which had been sent), dealt with those by phone and email. Those other annuities are still being paid, but I've sent them both an email requesting up-to-date P60s, and hope that will demonstrate to them that I'm still alive.


    But I entirely agree with your last comment.

  7. 33 minutes ago, mikebell said:

    What number?  Whenever I've tried I am in a queue!

    Oh yes, there's always a queue, and flying to the UK won't make that any shorter. I phoned them back in March, I see that the call took 38minutes 33 seconds, most of which was listening to some dire music, and the cost on Skype was 42 pence. The number was their "outside the UK number" - +44 15355 359022.

  8. 16 minutes ago, mikebell said:

    I have never checked the coding until this year & see my State Pension listed under 'Income from other sources' as 10,109 UKP!  I am 80 and my pension has been frozen for 15 YEARS & has never varied.  Returning in three weeks for family visit & will be seeking an explanation.

    I can't think of any explanation other than that HMRC have indexed your state pension every year since you retired. I've had one or two phone calls to them over the years, and this year at least they seem to have registered the fact that I get no increases - but I submit a return every year because of house rental income. You don't need to wait 3 weeks to deal with this. Skype calls are very cheap.

  9. The same has happened to me in the past but for some reason my tax assessment for this current year showed no increase in that pension. I do agree, you would think that in this day and age these government departments would be a bit more joined up. We are the victims of these anomalous and convoluted arrangements which pay no increases in some countries but do pay them in others, and we are so insignificant that they can't be bothered to sit down and programme their systems to take account of that.

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  10. 1 minute ago, giddyup said:

    I find that if you're cutting grass up to an edge like bricks or concrete, that string will wear out pretty quickly, so replacing those pieces of "string" regularly would get to be a pain.

    Yes, that's why I went off mine.

  11. I hate those strimmers, they're more trouble than they're worth, I have one but don't bother with it any more. Instead I got one similar to this:-

    เครื่องตัดพุ่มไม้ IMAX IGS-72V(สั้น) | Lazada.co.th

    The downside is that I have to bend over to use it, but I don't have a huge garden, the edges are done in about 45 minutes. It does a very neat job, and there's an attachment which trims hedges as well. I only have to charge the battery every three or four times I use it. After I bought it I think I saw one with a long handle, which would have saved the bending down.

    From memory I bought mine on Shopee, but I can't find it any more.

  12. On 5/23/2023 at 3:04 PM, kingkenny said:

    It does not matter what I have in this context, the fact is the bank, Monzo, did not ask for any of this when I applied online for the account, they simply wanted an address to send the card to, which arrived the following day. The ID required in this instance was a picture of me, holding my passport open at the ID page, nothing else was needed for the standard bank account.


    If I want a CC or overdraft etc then they would require more documents, I just wanted a simple saving account, with app access and a debit/ATM card.

    Good luck to you, but they don't appear to have followed their own rules. Did you have some residual connection with the address you gave them? (e.g. still on the votes list?)


    Looking at their website, it says quite clearly in their Terms and Conditions:-

    "You must be a UK resident to have a Monzo account."

    Also further down the same page:-

    "We may close your account immediately or stop you using your card and/or app if we believe you’ve:..had a change in circumstances which means you’re no longer eligible for a current account (like moving abroad)"


    Terms & Conditions (monzo.com)

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  13. What's the difference between Visa T and Visa E apart from the cost? They're both single entry, valid within 3 months for a stay of up to 30 days, and the same passport, photo and credit card requirements. I take it that for a 1-week tourist visit the Visa T would be appropriate (also that a Thai passport holder requires no visa for the same purpose).

  14. 4 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    Does it not only apply if you have UK residence? They will send your new PP to a UK address, but not to here.


    Regarding the validity date of 10 years max, it does mean that you have to keep a weather eye on your annual extension renewal with Thai Immigration and seasoning your bank account, etc. For example, my latest passport will expire on 2nd January 2030, my annual extension date is in February. So when I apply in Feb 2029, I will lose nearly 2 months of extension, and have to make sure that my bank account is topped up to the 800k (if I've spent any of it) in October. In practice I'm not really bothered as I will probably be dead by then, but it's the sort of thing that catches some people out.

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