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  1. I would say to your wife she is able to give whatever she wants from the money you give her, to her family, it is hers to do as she wishes. I am also married to a Thai and have over the years helped out when I can and have been happy to do so. I've never felt that I have been pressured or taken advantage of. I would say that you have an equal responsibility to help out in times of need as her other siblings are. And if they are giving say 1000 baht a month to their parents then you and your wife may want match it. Extended family are not her or your responsibility and should be shut down and ignored. Why doesn't your wife get a job and then she could give some of this to her family as well. She must be a bit bored all day not working and it'll keep her occupied and less time to think about what people are saying on social media.
  2. Just to update people who have read/posted to my thread... My visa came through - Approved! No explanation about the delay or why I was emailed about concerns of a possible blacklist record. I didn't involve a legal firm as the evisa system was still showing my visa as processing despite the emails from the embassy saying that my visa would be cancelled and mention of blacklist record etc.
  3. I’ve been quoted around £200 to get this investigated with the the if, whys and when’s within 2 days. I’m leaning this way, just hope it’s an honest firm. Not sure if I can name them here but they seem to have dealt with some high profile cases. Thanks for your post.
  4. Thanks for your observation and well wishes. ????
  5. I will do and hopefully it's some administration error. The lack of further information provided from them is frustrating. I can do that for some years back, but My entries to Thailand span over 25 years and have gone into half a dozen passports some of which I no longer have. But the most recent ones I do and this must be a newer entry as I had a non-O and non-B in 2008. Thanks for that, I'll have to wait until Monday then. Can anyone recommend and reliable/honest Thai lawyer to help speed things along and what cost I should be looking at. I can then compare this with what I get quoted in due course.
  6. I wouldn't say a common name, but it's not unique. I've contacted a couple of lawyers, one of which has got straight back saying they can help find out if I am on a blacklist, why and for how long. Appealing it will depend on the circumstances. I'm going to ring the Thai immigration tomorrow morning and see if they can shed any light on it first however. The land crossing would be a preferable option, but I'll try to get to the bottom of things first. We were planning to stay for a year, so wouldn't be traveling light. There are also lots of planning/preparation to put in place before we leave so chancing it would be a gamble. Thanks for your comments.
  7. I'm not sure if it was, some have made that comment. But it isn't anymore or when I applied around 10 days ago. Proof of £10,000 was needed (and provided) and a fee of £150 (non refundable) was paid.
  8. Just to remind people of my initial questions and get this back on track.
  9. *Deleted post edited out* I'm just not prepared to take that gamble and risk being denied entry as this would be at considerable cost and inconvenience. I plan to stay for a year anyway, so would need a non O visa at some point and they would surely do the same checks as the e-visa system did. I think best not to risk it until I know more.
  10. It wasn't a tourist visa, it was a non O ME. I have a Thai wife, children, friends and property/possessions in Thailand - not as easy as just 'get over it'. I'm reluctant to travel all that way and at considerable cost when the likely hood of being denied entry seems quite high. I'll wait and see what immigration say first. Once I have this information, does anyone know if there is any way to appeal?
  11. If I knew I would tell you. I have no convictions and have never overstayed. I'm looking for help/advice at this stage, not to be called a liar!
  12. Because potentially being on a blacklist is news to me.
  13. See my new thread about the blacklist part. *** I think it’s gone into the visa from other countries forum, if a mod could move into this one please.**** 10+ Years since I’ve made a visa, 3 visas on arrival since over the last 10 years. Didn’t know I was on any list. News to me!
  14. This links to my other post about my London Embassy visa application being referred to the MOFA. I’ve started a new thread as it has now taken a different turn. Ive heard back from the e-visa people stating that they are concerned I’m on a blacklist and have cancelled my visa application. They have told me to contact Thai immigration directly. I’ve email two offices in Bangkok asking if I’m on a blacklist and why, so we will see what they say. I’ll also call them in the morning. Has anyone had a similar response with no follow up information? Does anyone know who to contact? (I may have emailed the wrong place). If I am on a blacklist, can I appeal? Ive had visas issued in the past 10+ years ago, and have entered visa exempt 3 times in the last 10 years, no problem. Thanks
  15. I've just heard back from the London Embassy and they have stated they are concerned I am on a blacklist and have cancelled my visa. They have told me to contact Thai immigration directly, so I have sent an email and will try to call them tomorrow. I have no idea why this could be. Depending on the outcome and what blacklist I am on does anyone have any experience of appealing/dealing with this etc.? Thanks

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