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  1. Probably too late for you but I figured it might be useful for other people First of all, you don't need a border run service. They don't do anything magical with the border patrol. If you want to save some money, you can also take the bus. A border run simply means getting out of the country, only to get in again with a new visa. There is nothing stopping you to get this new visa beforehand, so there is no reason to stay in Cambodia longer than a few minutes. Both Vietnam and Cambodia offer E-visas. Just apply to both at least a week before the border run. It doesn't matter what country you're in when applying. Walk in with the Cambodia visa, and walk back out with the Vietnamese visa You can repeat the border runs for however long you'd like (unlike Thailand). I have met people who have done this for 10 months straight without issue. You don't have to bribe anyone. As long as you have the visa, they'll have to let you in. But just in case, no matter where you go, always keep 40$ (yes USD) cash in your pocket. It can be a lifesaver.
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