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Everything posted by thintand

  1. it'll be interesting how it affects all the digital nomads. Lets say someone doesn't have a residence in their home country anymore so they're not a tax payer and the DBA is useless in this scenario. Also "work" without a work permit isn't technically allowed anyways so how will they enforce it? Will they add tax on "illegally" earned overseas income? ????
  2. interesting, didn't know about that. I thought the 1 year is counted seperately. My idea was to travel a bit before I commit to the ED visa and also checkout some nice places first where I want to stay for a longer time So in that case I it makes more sense to enter on a 60 Days Tourist visa, extend it, leave the country and enter again with visa exempt and get the ED visa in-country as you said
  3. hey guys, I have plans to enter thailand as a tourist first on a SETV and extend it after 60 days so I get 90 days in total. Then I want to leave thailand and travel around SEA for 1-2 weeks or so and come back again on a 30 day visa exempt which I also plan to extend for another 30 days. So in total I want to stay around 5 months initially as a tourist. Now during the visa exempt I plan to apply for a 1 year ED visa to study thai and also get the visa converted inside the country. Do you think thats "safe" or am I at a risk to get denied entry at some point with my plans? I don't have a huge travel history yet, just visited thailand around 8x for a few weeks only in the past, and never had an overstay, etc. Or is it even better to do it the opposite way maybe? Meaning entering Thailand on exempt first, extend it for 30 days, leave thailand and get the SETV from a neighbour country?
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