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Everything posted by MurakamiX

  1. Left translated cycle ending in Summer looks likely. You can sell to fiat in Portugal as they don't tax crypto I'm fairly sure.
  2. You mean like in developed Western countries? Tax is want technically builds a functional society. Corruption nulls that however.
  3. Looks and sounds very British this fella
  4. I'd love to see them try and enforce all of this.
  5. That's not how Buddhism operates. Buddha isn't a God.
  6. I saw a Thai prison documentary, and actually most of the time the pruisoners will leave such offenders alone, unlike in the West. It's people who kill or harm their parents that get the punishment.
  7. MR. JAMAAL sounds like a very British and quintessential member of society
  8. 4 neck wounds suggest a fair bit of anger involved
  9. I've always loved Laos. If it wasn't landlocked I'd likely live there
  10. Nice look, shaking Putin's hand and now Ping 👍
  11. Every Thai I've spoken to doesn't like him, and a few bring up the cryptocurrency situation that the PM is involved in. Shady to say the least.
  12. This PM isn't exactly in the good books of the Thai people as it is. I personally think his days are numbered, as are Putins.. Byebye to bad rubbish
  13. Capitalism and marketing prevail for the Thai tourism board. To a Russian, even the most sewer-swamped soi of Pattaya likely looks like a slice of heaven, considering where they have been brought up and raised. It does make sense..
  14. Calling for a global day of Jihad where innocent people even in China and France died, sort of goes against the stance that these low-lives just want to kill Jewish people.
  15. Killing innocent lives in such brutality is never justifiable. It doesn't matter the religion, the stance, whatever it is.. Taking innocent lives of children and innocent civilians is never right. People online are so quick to take sides and justify the heinous and ugly acts, simply to inflate their own ego and viewpoint. In doing so, you've just lowered yourself to the depths of ugliness that humanity and society can go to.
  16. If you're not a Muslim, you are an infidel to them, and thus worthy of death. Simple.
  17. More than likely, however we need to look at why these things happen and why incels feel the need to do this. With how prominent social media and 'self image' has become in society, certain individuals come to feel as if they are worthless. Add into the mix potential psychopathy and other mental elements, this sort of thing will only become more frequent. I remember life before social media, and I really don't want to forget what it was like. However those days become more and more hazy in my memory as time goes on.
  18. And technically should be imprisoned due to his snake oil ways
  19. If we're comparing issues with society, shall we calculate the amount of domestic problems/violence with alcohol? Or the amount of road accidents with alcohol? What about police time and resources towards drunk people? Ask any police officer or jail staff. Drunk people are the worst thing to deal with on a day to day basis. I drink alcohol, and I used to smoke weed back in the day (not anymore). But if we are comparing health concerns, society based issues, and mental health, the legal drugs are by far the worst.
  20. Or worse, go back to China
  21. The locals could not bear his actions anymore? So they just let his torture and abuse slide by? Sheesh
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