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Everything posted by MurakamiX

  1. It's pretty simple. There are a set amount of seats, and we have a limit to the KGs of luggage we can bring on. If we go over that luggage amount, we need to pay extra. So why should there be no limit on body weight? It should be total net weight of you plus luggage. If you are someone who can't stop indulging in gluttony, you should have to pay the consequences. Being obese should be a shameful situation, and in terms of business and flying, it should be taxed fairly.
  2. You should look into it. The heart doesn't care if it's muscle or fat, it's still a burden to carry around. Most body builders die young.
  3. If done correctly, this is another step forward to being a developed nation. Countries that tax properly are often the more developed nations. Growing pains first though I assume.
  4. Somebody who is a body builder and say 250lbs, is not healthy. They can barely breathe while walking. It all comes down to the weight your heart must carry around all day, and in this instance, the weight you put onto a plane.
  5. Amazing and commonsensical. Somebody who is fit and healthy, should not have to pay. the same amount as somebody who cannot stop eating cake with zero care for their own health and consumerism. Net weight for the win
  6. To be fair, I'd rather live in any seedy, rundown, dingy and disgusting soi, than to live in Russia.
  7. Vodka, chess, depressing concrete architecture, and people falling out of windows in suspicious circumstances?
  8. Thailand again makes itself the laughing stock of the modern world.
  9. Weed can induce psychotic breaks and schizophrenic states of minds in certain people. I was within that culture for over a decade, and it isn't always smiles and rainbows. You cannot say a sweeping blanket statement that it's all good or all bad; reality is a very greyscale situation. Some people can react badly towards cannabis mentally speaking.
  10. Skateboarding is in the Olympics. It's actually a very difficult sport, that teaches the person doing it a lot of mental strength as well as the physical upshots.
  11. Obviously you don't know much about the skateboard industry. All of the professionals and semi professionals are adults, and plenty of adults still skate. That skateboard the guy is holding however is more of a cruiser board simply meant for riding around, and looks rather 'gimmicky'
  12. Sneaky Russians, or as my Ukrainian friend calls them, orcs.
  13. You'd be mentally disturbed too if you grew up in the hell-hole that is Ruzzia
  14. I've seen the guy say it lol.. He's also said a lot of other stuff specifically about the UK which was too nice. To him the UK is a thorn in his paw, a stone in his shoe.
  15. This war has done one thing. It has shown the world how weak and incompetent Russia truly is. Beforehand, many assumed that Russia was indeed a fearsome superpower that was capable of taking over many nations. The reality is very different. Orcs
  16. what a travesty, democracy is non existent in this country.
  17. Ah yes mushroom season. Some years ago I myself went a-hunting and stumbled across a bunch of pan cyans. Not my bag these days however
  18. Maybe he has an undiagnosed thyroid issue.. He simply may not have the time to get it checked out ????
  19. Growing pains via profound change are inevitable.
  20. Yeah for sure they won't. But they don't know what they are missing, we do. Likewise we don't understand what it's like to live life without any empathy or much in the way of concern / anxiety. My farther is a sociopath which I believe is a factor 2 psychopath, and it's pretty crazy to think about his life and how he does things.
  21. Smoking weed while on meth won't even touch the sides. Being up for 5 days on meth will indeed induce hallucinations. You'd have to digest a lot of cannabis to properly hallucinate from it.
  22. It kind of goes without saying that she's a Primary Psychopath, considering what she did and why. In one way they have their life better because they aren't affected by emotional turmoil; then on the other hand they cannot experience such things as love and empathy.
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