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Hunz Kittisak

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  1. Like Jesus he was resurrected All hail the messiah the saviour
  2. Well observed Coups are a thing of the past The dinosaur generals have been checkmated
  3. Those chaps can’t vote so empty vessels make the most noise The Thai people are the beneficiaries and that’s what’s most important. Way to go Mr Thaksin
  4. The stingy bugger probably didn’t grease enough palms. Anyone with means can make prison stay comfortable
  5. Well then let me as a newbie share one of those many news reports. Normally I do not like to spoonfeed https://amp.dw.com/en/how-chinese-mafia-are-running-a-scam-factory-in-myanmar/a-68113480
  6. It’s a well known fact Many news articles reported on it before you can google for them to brush up your knowledge if you are ignorant
  7. Logical deduction Thaksin is so well loved by all Thais only his vile enemies could have done this
  8. She’s a paid stooge likely from Prawit
  9. Well done man of action! First salvo already netted hundreds of criminals. We need Khun Thaksin
  10. Chinese officials are involved in the Burmese border illegal activities. CCP should rein in their own members first
  11. Awaiting Yingluck’s triumphant return and it will be triple PMs. 3 for the price of 1. Thailand is so blessed indeed
  12. Having a casino doesn’t mean it will become conduit for money laundering. Singapore has casino and they are doing a great job keeping out the riff raff
  13. Uncle Tu has retired and rode into the sunset Nothing bad will happen to him he gets to enjoy his retirement. Wont say the same for watch boy if he keeps upsetting the status quo
  14. Simply coz she’s not a crininal shes a victim of political persecution she’s was convicted during the tenure of a illegitimate government.
  15. Thaksin is well regarding in the region and the world. He can contribute in an elder statesman role. Like recently deceased POTUS Jimmy Carter.

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