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  1. I just cannot understand how so many commenters here are pro-Putin. Especially when so many of them complain about stuff... that's SO MUCH WORSE for the side they support, whether it's what Putin does or what Trump does. Moral bankruptcy, yes, but the hypocrisy is really disgusting.
  2. He literally invaded to take all of Ukraine. What world are you living in? Did you totally miss the first month of the war?
  3. He set out to have all of Ukraine, he set out to have a quick and dirty war that cost him nothing and gained him much, he set out to burnish his reputation. Settling for what he already had... hardly seems like a victory. And "If we had only listened to the bad guy and given in to his demands, bad things wouldn't have happened" is a curious approach to life, history, foreign policy, etc.
  4. This didn't age well. And his villa was bought pre-presidency. One of the things I love about Russian shills is that their criticisms of Ukraine/Zelensky/etc -- when not outright lies -- are always1000 times more applicable to Putin and/or Russia. Zelenskiy stole some money! Ukraine didn't have a fair election! There's corruption in the Ukrainian MoD! Of course, if these things REALLY bothered the Putin fanboys... they wouldn't be Putin fanboys.
  5. Well, it's better than the hilarious shots of shirtless Vlad, Vlad "finding" ancient underwater artifacts, etc, and even weirder -- pre-plastic surgery Vlad, who looks uncomfortably like Dobby the House Elf. What kind of man is so insecure as to continually get plastic surgery over the years? Oh, I know, the same kind of man who will condemn hundreds of thousands to death for his own ego and ability to stay in power.
  6. Shhhhhh, if the Slavaboos and vatniks hear stuff like this their heads explode. Remember, comrade, Russia has never done anything bad. Ever. And Tucker Carlson is a very smart man.
  7. Please back up the Mossad allegation. That's interesting.
  8. Trump is a disaster but I'm not going to call for the murder of the elected President. Sorry, but you're the traitor if you call for that.
  9. Edit: During the years I lived in Moscow (until 2022) I went to the WW2 museum several times. In a gigantic museum, there is literally almost no mention (I saw one) that the SU had allies in the fight against the Axis. One mention. One.
  10. He is literally using Kremlin talking points, so the the confusion is understandable. When the Steele dossier was discredited I thought "Good, glad to see a (probably Russian) attempt at election interference fail." I never then thought that the Dem narrative would turn out to be true, but it is. He really is a Russian asset.
  11. I loved the Bee but in the past two years or so they have become not only full MAGA but unfunny, in the same way Colbert, SNL, Trevor Noah etc are unfunny on the Left. When you try to push a political narrative using humor as the vehicle, rather than just try to be funny, you're not funny. And they've also lost their distinctive Christian edge, the more MAGA they become.
  12. You're saying Russia is so stupid they were duped by the CIA into a disastrous invasion of their neighbor? That despite 2 previous invasions of Ukraine, this third one was one they wouldn't have done on their own had they not been bamboozled by the nefarious spooks at Langley? You really have a low opinion of Russian intelligence.
  13. It's not "their job" to provide possibly fraudulent affidavits. It's not a "real task" to jump through whatever stupid hoops a foreign government sets up, nor is it their job to make it possible for you to live outside of Canada. Yes, our opinions do differ.
  14. Add in North Africa, Romania, Sicily, Greece, the North Atlantic war, losing the Battle of Britain, Lend Lease, the fight against Japan, China's role and the Western role in supporting China.... While I agree too many Westerners are ignorant of the SU's role in WW2, too many Slavaboos/Magaheads (and all Russians) completely overstate their role, and actively deny that Russia's massive losses were due in large part to 1) individuals are worth nothing 2) the purge of the Red Army officer corps before the war 3) The Molotov pact with Germany 4) Russia's foolish lack of preparation for war.
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