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  1. Russians will agitate in whatever way best undermines U.S. democracy.
  2. I agree -- while I'm NOT a Trump fan, we've been hearing this cheapening of the Holocaust by the Left for many years now. They should be ashamed, it's disgusting.
  3. No matter what the subject, no matter where it occurs... Israel is responsible. Got it!
  4. I talked to a consular officer at the Embassy -- he said that while they had received a lot of anxious emails from people here about this tax stuff, they had not yet received a single complaint of someone who appeared to have been actually taxed contrary to the terms of the tax treaty.
  5. Israel could kill a million Gazans, and they'd STILL have shown more consideration for them than Hamas, who purposefully created the conditions for that exact outcome.
  6. Or tortured to death by Palestinians. Hard to know which scenario is more likely.
  7. Wow. "Western aligned countries" underpay brown people? You strongly imply the "non-Western aligned countries" therefore are morally superior. And yet.... most brown people in the world want to leave their non-Western aligned country to go to a Western-aligned country. How to explain that? I can... the demand for racism by people like you is greater than the actual supply, so you invent it.
  8. Being a little familiar with federal budgeting, the key word in this is "OBLIGATIONS." If FEMA is legally OBLIGED to reserve these funds for previous disasters. then there's likely nothing that can be done short of an act of Congress to de-obligate them. If there IS a process in place, and there's no realistic way those funds will ever be spent, and it's only through laziness/inattention that this money hasn't been reallocated, then that's on FEMA. The other issue is that there is also a very strong chance that de-obligated funds go back to Congress, NOT stay with FEMA to be used elsewhere, which is also a reason that agencies are reluctant to close out unspent money.
  9. You see them a lot at gas stations, if that's what you meant. Or did you mean where is the HQ?
  10. Is Russia really going to nuke another country -- and a neighbor at that? Isn't it the decision of the Ukrainians, if they want to fight for their freedom or be turned into a vassal state by a dictatorship that hates them?
  11. No, I don't bother to read the links people post here, and yes, we knew what you were actually saying were the usual Russian talking points. You just want to see peace, right?

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