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Everything posted by ChicagoExpat

  1. Ah, yes, the earnest peace proponent who just deplores all this violence... whose aims and solutions to the crisis just happen to align perfectly with the Kremlin's. What I wish for? All I'm wishing for is for Russia to stop invading its neighbors and creating fake new countries as a way of punishing them for, you know, having their own opinions. Putin has been very clear that he wants a vassal state if not outright absorption into Russia, and, again, for someone who claims to understand what's happening there, it's surprising you don't know this.
  2. Russia doesn't get to decide what other countries think and do. And Russia doesn't demand "neutrality" -- it demands vassalage. If you ACTUALLY knew anything about Russia, like you claim you do, you'd know that.
  3. Wow. I'd compare the intelligence of my comments with yours any day. I hope you get to live in the world you want some day, where China calls the shots. You deserve it.
  4. Yes, of course you are looking forward to mass suffering. You've made 4 comments and the only common thing in all of them is your total sneering contempt for America. "Hypocritical" because you've lived your entire life benefitting from what America has given you, cost-free to you, from Cold War defense to inventions to an economic order that has created the conditions for the largest explosion of health, wealth, creativity, education, and general flourishing the world has ever seen. Perfect? No. Are there grounds for criticism? Of course. But better than anything that came before it and far better than what will come after it? Absolutely. Go take your arrogance, racism, and hatred somewhere else.
  5. Guessing that's directed toward me as I'm the most recent person on the forum who isn't a mindless America hater. No, I don't think I'm superior to all. And I know that no country stays on top forever. The hilarious thing is hypocritical pissers like you who lob shots at us all day while greatly having benefited from everything we have given you. Looking forward to America suffering? You're going to hate what comes next, though from the looks of your avatar you won't be around to see it.
  6. I love the image you created of him being a Jew sniffer-outer. Pretty hilarious.
  7. Why has this thread got taken over by posts that should be in the "I hate America while enjoying all the benefits America gives me" sub forum?
  8. Ah, the bored drinking coffee emoji. SO EDGY. SO DANK. News flash -- my comment and the one I was responding to had nothing to do with China. News flash -- when one country participates in the brutal murder of another's civilians, one might expect country B not to pledge its undying love for the other, having never once voiced a bit of concern or anger. Hardly unreasonable. News flash -- go f$ck yourself with your America hatred.
  9. Yep! It's driving him CRAZY that I won't tell if I'm a crafty JOOOO or not. I made him an offer though, let's see if he takes it.
  10. YOU'RE LYING AGAIN. It is true. I have an idea -- lead the way. Tell us your ethnicity, your education, where you grew up, your favorite activities, your wife's/husband's hobbies, all about your kids, etc. If you make a good faith effort at transparency -- REAL transparency -- I will tell you if I'm Jewish.
  11. Yes, Thailand's stance is revolting and cowardly. With Iran having funded and trained Hamas, and likely co-planned October 7 which directly led to the heinous and unnecessary murders of Thai citizens by Palestinian animals, Thailand is kissing the ass of a nation that hacks off the heads of Thai citizens.
  12. You can make all the assumptions you want, and I'm purposely not addressing it on principle. Since you can't win the argument you're trying to disqualify someone's arguments on the assumption that the person making them is Jewish. That in itself -- that a Jew is disqualified from having opinions based solely on being a Jew -- tells us all we need to know about you. You are absolutely dishonest in everything i enumerated, and more -- yeah, sure, your "spiritual advisor" is a Rabbi. I'm sure a real Rabbi has the time and inclination to be an "advisor" to not only someone who is not a Jew and has no interest in becoming one, but who actively advocates for outcomes that benefit one of the Jews' worst enemies. Go peddle your lies elsewhere, Jew-hating liar.
  13. Neeranam: I think most of use here agree with getting rid of Hamas, but not by death, IMHO give them a trial. Christ, even the Nazis leaders were given trial. Chicago Expat: Says the guy who thinks "we should just capture all the Hamas guys and put them on trial". Neeranam: I never said that. (Proceeds to lie about what Chicago Expat says.) Chicago Expat: (Provides N with the quote.) Yes, you literally said that. Neeranam: Of course I knew what I said, again, I never said what you said I said. (Later attempts to deflect attention to his obvious dishonesty by saying that someone "having relatives in Israel" is disqualifying for discussing these issues. LOOK, A SQUIRREL!) You are dishonest from start to finish: There is no "genocide" going on. Many civilians have been killed; that's not genocide. Having relatives in Israel doesn't disqualify someone from an opinion on this subject any more than your having a Thai relative who lived there does. This is just your hatred of Jews showing. You DID complain about Israel not arresting Hamas instead of killing them. You ask "Can you imagine what would happen if the British government killed mostly Irish children and women when trying to kill all the IRA terrorists?" when IRA terrorists did not invade England and kill 1200 civilians in their homes in the most brutal fashion possible. And, idiot, the world DID complain -- vociferously -- about British excesses in Ireland when they occurred. And where you are not flat out lying, you're an ignoramus with a broken moral compass. And you're bad at arguing, which may be the worst sin in an AN thread.
  14. I think most of use here agree with getting rid of Hamas, but not by death, IMHO give them a trial. Christ, even the Nazis leaders were given trial. Yes, you literally said that. Exactly as I said you did. You're either lying and hope no one will, you know, go back to the previous page or you forgot you said it. If you had any integrity you'd admit you lied, or "forgot." But you won't. Regarding your underlined comment, go ahead and show me where I said that; that's what you WANT me to say because it would justify your position, which conveniently (who could have seen this coming?) is also Hamas' position. Again, you're lying. If you had any integrity you'd withdraw the comment. But you won't.
  15. Says the guy who thinks "we should just capture all the Hamas guys and put them on trial".
  16. Maybe I can because I'm not a chucklehead who is unaware of the meaning of basic definitions key to understanding the issues? Better to keep silent and be thought a fool that open your mouth and remove all doubt.
  17. That you don't know the difference is a shocking admission of ignorance. You shouldn't even be commenting on this thread, amigo.
  18. All the leftwing Jew-hating dupes in the world can say something is true, and it doesn't make it so. Internal displacement is not genocide and neither is killing several thousand Gazans in combat when they COULD, if they wanted, kill every Gazan very easily. I do not think Hamas' intention was to invade all of Israel at that time and kill all Jews -- I know that 1) they killed every Jew they could find on October 7, in brutal fashion, except for the few they took back as hostages and 2) that is their freely stated overall intention in their charter, and that they say every chance they get. And they do so with the support of an enormous number of Gazans. And an enormous number of Westerners.
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