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  1. It looks like this Kremlin c0ck gobbler got what he deserved. When will these Vatniks learn that they are not welcome outside Russia, anymore. 🤷‍♀️
  2. Have you been living under a rock or something? 🤔
  3. Good. I wish Great Britain would re-introduce Capital Punishment for multiple murder & terrorism etc We have so many evil scumbags in jail, at the moment. Many have killed & raped children. Why does the tax payer have to pay for these people’s room & board? Let’s just execute these people. They no longer deserve to be part of civilised society.
  4. If that was the stopping distance, she was clearly breaking the speed limit? That’s Russians for you 🤷‍♀️
  5. We have allowed our country to become the illegal migration capital of the world, by progressively more left wing Parliaments, Media & Judiciary. This is what happens when you dilute your population with people that come from broken, corrupt countries. This is a warning to other countries like Japan, that are thinking of opening up.
  6. Hmmmm. I prefer “common” parties? 🤔
  7. Can you please apply for a job at Aseannow? At last, we will get decent, detailed stories! 😂💪👏🏻
  8. Why can’t we delete unwanted posts? The system was not working properly. It kept saying that my post wasn’t submitted when in reality, it had been submitted, several times. Come on guys, sort out this basic UX. 😠
  9. Holy guacamole! That’s nearly £2,000/month on rent or AUD 3,680. These people sound quite well off and they couldn’t afford a house in Oz. Well, maybe they should have looked outside Sydney, first?
  10. Holy guacamole! That’s nearly £2,000/month on rent or AUD 3,680. These people sound quite well off and they couldn’t afford a house in Oz. Well, maybe they should have looked outside Sydney, first?
  11. Holy guacamole! That’s nearly £2,000/month on rent or AUD 3,680. These people sound quite well off and they couldn’t afford a house in Oz. Well, maybe they should have looked outside Sydney, first?
  12. Holy guacamole! That’s nearly £2,000/month on rent or AUD 3,680. These people sound quite well off and they couldn’t afford a house in Oz. Well, maybe they should have looked outside Sydney, first?
  13. Holy guacamole! That’s nearly £2,000/month on rent or AUD 3,680. These people sound quite well off and they couldn’t afford a house in Oz. Well, maybe they should have looked outside Sydney, first?
  14. Why aren’t there fire extinguishers on board? It sounds like this bus use’s extremely cheap parts. The fuel tank should be reinforced to prevent fuel leakage, in an accident. I am afraid the authorities have blood on their hands. And the blood of pure innocent children. Shame on the authorities, responsible for sourcing school transportation. 😡
  15. Oligarch’s son? Trust fund brat? Putin’s illegitimate love child?🤮 Take your pick 😀
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