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Stuart dunsmore

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  1. 100% correct. With tears in my eyes how can this happen? Does it take such a tragic incident like this for the Thai government to wake up? Sadly this will not change the way things are here. If what I see in the picture are gas canisters, then surly someone has to be answerable. So so sad, WAKE THE <deleted> UP THAILAND.
  2. The image of Thailand being the Land of Smiles is sadly being eroded by these incidences. sad. Stu.
  3. Good luck with educating a driver be it motorcycle or other road users. Not a difficult thing to Educate, however here in Thailand the lack of any training to help save the carnage on Thai roads won’t be forthcoming any time soon. Stu.
  4. 100%. Move away. Block all the social media <deleted>, and enjoy your time together.
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