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Everything posted by EastBayRay

  1. This is good to hear. christianity and love of your country are 2 bedrocks of our great USA
  2. This Willis woman is an embarrassment to American Justice should be fired and charged with corruption and jailed
  3. another lefty tryin to gaslight everyone from the responses here it don’t seem to be working
  4. I’m hearin it was a gang dispute kinda thing like the bloods and crips senseless
  5. seems like ya holler racist at everyone you disagree with makes ya look kinda dumb man
  6. Seems fairly accurate to me. but the truth ain’t always popular
  7. No need to be confused, it signifies nothing as same-sex marriages are not recognized by the Thai authorities who have been fudging this issue for years come on man it’s a good excuse for a party and dress up etc. of course it’s all pretend but if you’ve gone to the trouble of pretending to be a woman why not go the whole nine yards and pretend to be married? I think they call it their truth or somethin
  8. having seen the video above I think she’s got more to worry about from the boyfriend that trump if he flips that like in public she better not upset him behind closed doors manhandling an old man like that in a rage wow she better be careful that all I can say
  9. From posts on here seems to me that expat libs and teenage girls have a lot more in common than just being Taylor swift stans 😃 she brought this on herself should have kept her dumb thoughts to herself not sure why pop stars think they can lecture us folks on who to vote for trump was right about her she will regret it when he is next potus - go trump
  10. Why not try to add something intelligent to the conversation…
  11. Of course he’s too old, even the libs can see it no way he can do another term so why vote for him? He’s a embarrassment
  12. Hopefully she stays in the states and doesn’t bother the king shes been enough of an embarrassment to my country already. No wonder the British dont like her we Americans dont neither best wishes to the king. I hope megan leaves him well alone. He don’t need that toxicity around him
  13. Trump is innocent his best chance is a court that is not biased politically although that looks slim seeing as the US system is filled to the brim with lib judges
  14. Damn straight the US courts are an embarrassment right now
  15. Damn straight. Biden has done all the things he said Trump would do. the man has been terrible for USA and needs to go.
  16. Why are they bring this up again everyone knows he knew Epstein years ago. Seems the people who hate royals are using this for political reasons how about bj bill Clinton now that’s big news.
  17. Sec workers ain’t no good with managing money she probably spent it on botox already
  18. a bit like saying a car crusher attacked a man who fell into it. its a machine if you get in the way you could get hurt. It didn’t attack anyone. anything to have a go at Musk.
  19. 148 million is a joke. Why do courts see fit to award such massive payments is beyond me
  20. He is right. Using the legal system to remove political opponents is the lowest of the low even by liberals standards
  21. The dems using the legal system to remove opponents was never going to be a big vote winner. this might come to bite the libs on the backside. They deserve it for going this route.
  22. Seems you all think the uk is some kind of free for all for the people to take what they want. im glad here in the states we at least pretend to take pride in our nation. Something wrong with those liberals in Britain they hate their own country of something??? Seems like American liberals hate them as well supporting all the damaging policies and folks messing up the place. They not happy with the damage they already did to my country ?? good luck to Britain man they gone need it with all those progressives trying to ruin the place
  23. Trump is wise not to commit at this stage. Too early. biden may regret jumping on the Israeli bandwagon so soon
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