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Everything posted by Southsealad

  1. At home in Manila. She is thinking of renouncing her Filipino nationality because she has UK nationality already
  2. My partner is hoping to come to live with me in Thailand soon. She is 36 years old, a Filipina with a UK passport, She will not work and has considerable Financial assets. What Visa, if any, could she obtain. I am on a Retirement 'Visa'/ Stamp which is valid until July 2025. (No that is is not a typo). We will marry in due course. Many thanks
  3. I am planning to move to the Hua Hin area in July this year with my partner. We would like rent a 3 bedroom house or villa which is near to the beqch and shopping malls. Our budget is 40k a month for rent. We would welcome information regarding what might be available in that price range and the area. We would spend a couple of weeks in a hotel to give ourselves time to look around. Have looked at the various real estate agents, but would welcome info from people actually living there. Many thanks
  4. Hi, I note you say you are in Thailand. Wise have told me that the card is not presently available in Thailand. Could be they mean you can't apply for one if you are living in Thailand or do they mean you can't use it in Thailand. ?????
  5. Agree Wise card looks good and they are swamping me currently to buy a card. Problem with them, if I understand correctly, it's meant for shopping. I want to find a way to get my monthly pensions to Philippines.
  6. I'm planning on moving to Iloilo in July from the UK. I understand it will take a minimum of 3 months before I can get a bank account. I don't have a credit card and my UK bank does not send money to Philippines.Am I 'up a creek, without a paddle' or is there a way. other than the Wise Debit Card, and I don't want to change my bank. Thank you
  7. I am hoping to move to The Philippines in July and would be grateful for a reliable and trusted Visa Agent. Additionally, if I move to there, do I have to pay Tax on my pensions, which are already taxed at 40% Many thanks.
  8. I was on a retirement stamp until 12 July 2024. I went back to UK for medical reasons. On way to Suvarnabhumi Airport was held up due to traffic conditions. As a result did not have time to get a re-entry stamp. I know I have to start the process for retirement again. When I came back, IO told me I had to report to Immigration within 7 day which I will this week then said I would get one month. Will that be extended prior I have to apply to the new retirement stamp.
  9. The mind boggles! Next to this news was the headline ' Government to cut Alcohol Tax to encourage Tourism etc etc'
  10. i typed in two search windows and got two answers. one said 90th day was 25th the other said it was 26th. So if 25th the last day of 7 days after is 2nd Oct. If its 26th then last day is 3rd October. As I am leaving permanently on 3rd October, she was partly correct in saying 'don't bother to report. (I think!)
  11. Went to my local Immigration Office yesterday, 12 Sep, wanting to do 90 Day Report. I re-entered Thailand on 28 June this year. I had calculated the 90 days this way: 28 - 30 June = 3 Days 1 - 31 July = 31 Days 1-31 August = 31 days 1 - 25 Sep = 25 days A total of 90 days, so 90 day reporting date from 26 Sep or 15 days before (11 Sep) or 7 days after (1 Oct) No said the IO. Reporting date is 28 Sep using: 28 Jun to 27 July 30 days 28 July to 27 August 31 Days 28 August to 27 September 31 Days A total of 92 Days Then said upto 7 days after 25 September so last days is 2 Oct. I told her I was leaving Thailand on 3 October and was told 'don't bother to report 90 days because you will actually be leaving the country on the days you should report. Is she right?
  12. Couldn't agree more! what a load of buffalo manure
  13. I did change it for one of the Advanced Members on this forum only to be told his 'gf' didnt want to go there. Thats after he made a formal offer!!!!!! But hey life goes on!
  14. I'm sure dates are flexibe. Its a Deluxe Hiilside jacuzzi Room with Ocean View plus breakfast.
  15. I took up the suggestion to explain my situation to the hotel, Received a reply today ' very sorry to hear of you problem, however, we regret there can not be a refund. Do you wish to cancel?' So short of cancelling, I will try to see if there is anyone who would like the holiday for 12k THB. If not, then it's will just have to be written off as a loss. My health is more important to me!
  16. Don't you just love in these types of report, how the police always 'rush' to the scene!!
  17. Dates are flexible subject to availability and I booked direct and have already been in contact with the reservation team and they have no problem in a name change.
  18. As I said initially, I have to go for some serious medical stuff and not putting too fine a point on it, whether I come through it is in doubt. I need a new liver, I'm not a drinker never have been, but caught a virus in the dim and distant past in the Libyan Desert and, regrettably, it has over the years destroyed my liver. I don't have any family, very much a one man band, so no relatives to give it to. I think you are correct about the price, so if anyone wants to offer 15k I would accept, many other things on my mind than this.
  19. still too much! okay, looks like I have to revise downwards, so any offers around 18k will be accepted. Dates can be changed to suit (subject to availability). That's a holiday valued at 34k with Agoda, available for 18k!!!!
  20. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. However, having viewed the Agoda link you sent, the price for the booking for the same room as my booking and same dates is 34,804THB! This 4k less than I paid, so I will revise the amount I would like to receive down to 25k. Yep, I know there are cheaper options at the hotel, but like for like, my offer, I think, is a very fair one.
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