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Everything posted by Rachel2023

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 70 seconds  
  2. I'm planning to visit a temple in Bangkok but can't decide which one to choose. There are so many options! Any recommendations for a great experience?
  3. I like to work outside. I think it's important to separate the workplace physically and mentally from your home.
  4. I don't want to work from home and am looking for good co-working spaces in Thailand. Where do you usually go? Any recommendations for places with a good environment and reliable internet?
  5. While I was whining about how hot it is in Bangkok (so hot), I started to wonder which city in Thailand has the best weather. I'm looking for comfortable temperatures and less humidity. Any recommendations or personal experiences please?
  6. I need a new SIM card since the old one stopped working (no idea why). Has anyone bought one from 7-11? Do they have special internet data packages? I tried asking the staff at 7-11 but they couldn't answer very well.
  7. I am planning to use Bolt when travelling to Chiang Mai. As a solo female traveller, is it safe to take a taxi alone? Any tips on how you take precautions.
  8. I’m planning a trip around Chiang Mai, and want to know the best places for solo female travelers. Any safe and enjoyable spots you recommend?
  9. I’m planning a trip around Chiang Mai, and want to know the best places for solo female travelers. Any safe and enjoyable spots you recommend?
  10. Yes, I think it depends on each person. But I saw some machines with some mosses around them. I also found an old discussion around it as well:
  11. I'm curious about any foods that I should avoid in Thailand. Are there any dishes or ingredients that might be problematic for foreigners?
  12. I've noticed many water dispensers around Thailand where you can get drinking water for just one baht. Does anyone know if this water is safe to drink? I'm a bit concerned about the quality and safety. What have your experiences been?
  13. I am interested in almost everything. Thus, I found myself giving time to everything, which led to poor time management.
  14. Remember, you are just a human and human makes mistakes!! The important thing is to learn from that mistake and become better and tougher. Be kind to yourself. In the end, you only have yourself. So what if you make mistake, just don't keep blaming yourself.
  15. Hello, guys. I am looking for a condo in Bangkok. I found most of them are around 20K - 30K baht. I wonder if you guys have found condos that cost at most 11K baht. Thanks for all your help. Cheers.
  16. I am considering trying a chiropractic adjustment in Bangkok.
  17. Haha, very funny comments and answers. Thank you for all the help!
  18. Hey guys, I've been thinking about hitting up a Thai massage session this weekend and I'm curious—what do you folks usually wear to be comfortable? I mean, you want to relax and not end up in a pretzel, right? So, do you go for the loose-fitting yoga pants vibe or is it more of a lightweight shorts and tank top scenario? Any tips would be awesome because I’d rather not turn up looking like I’m dressed for a gym session or too formal.
  19. Oh! Also assumed you were an adult too. Sorry as well.
  20. Fortunately, we have a great world savior in the name of Bill Gates: https://www.gatesnotes.com/Urban-mosquitoes-and-Oxitec https://www.worldmosquitoprogram.org/en/news-stories/stories/the-gates-foundation-and-the-world-mosquito-program-partners-in-change And if you believe that Bill Gates could be responsible for the raise of mosquito-related diseases with his mosquito program, you are just a conspi-racist: https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2023/07/01/malaria-cases-in-us-trigger-unfounded-claims-about-bill-gates-mosquito-project/?sh=acd9c992c041 https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-bill-gates-oxitec-mosquitoes-malaria-cases-106569617546
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