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Everything posted by DonnaDwyer

  1. Thank you everyone, I found one in one of the suggested locations near a hospital.. the one near me on Sukhumvit 77 only had one machine and it was not a brand name that came with a warrantee... thank you so much!! ???? I can breath now!
  2. Thanks for reminding me. ???? I live in Bangkok, Sukhumvit 50 area near a Tesco and Century Mall. Thanks for the good advice, will look into it.. ????
  3. Hi I brought my C Nebulizer from Canada, and plugged it in, not knowing that the high electricity here would blow out the motor. So now I need to buy a new Nebulizer. I have checked online for Watson's Pharmacy, but nothing comes up except in the Philippians.. Was hoping to pick one up tonight at a Watsons or a Boots.. Does anyone know where I can get one? A compressor nebulizer can help those with copd or any lung issues, I currently have a lung infection, so was hoping to get on top of it fast as the doctors are dragging their feet, hoping to turn my inquiry into a many months investigation, so I am taking charge and nebulizing with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide to kill the infection and open up my lungs that are causing a lot of pain.
  4. Thank you, I have followed up and went to the MedPark hospital. The specialist you mentioned could not see me there until Oct 12 or so, but it turns out there is an amazing lady doctor (Dr Sudumpai Jarukitsopa) speaking perfect English and is the first doctor I have met in Thailand in one year, who asked me many, many, questions and took lots of notes and seems to really know her stuff w over 20 yrs experience as a Rheumatologist. She also gave me pretty well a full physical as well. Even the front desk answering system people speak as if English could be their first language and at least 3 nurses talked to me in good English. I have had xrays, urinalysis, and 5 vile's of blood work and should get the results back in a week with another scheduled appointment to go over the findings. While in her office I suddenly went into remission having no pain, and here it is a day later and I can breath effortlessly, and all my body pain is gone!!?? ???? I have only been eating veggies with a little liver from a grazing animal, some nuts, soups to start, avoiding all sugars and prepackaged foods and treats, as well as going for a half hour walk for starters.. as I do not want the symptoms I was having to come back. Thank you so much, I have been to Sukhumvit, Bangkok, Camilian hospitals, all good hospitals, but, this is the first time I am truly impressed with the quality of care and genuine interest from a doctor and fantastic support staff. Again, thank you Sheryl, thank you thank you. . . ???? xo
  5. Hi Sheryl, I was diagnosed with Lupus 23 yrs ago and then received a partial diagnoses for AIH about 15 yrs ago. I say partial, as the next step in my diagnosis to discover what type of AIH was to get a biopsy of my liver. At that time i was pretty much in denial as I had no pain and had read that those that got a biopsy were left in terrible unrelenting pain, so I skipped that step resulting in my Canadian doctor refusing to help me with meds, or followup etc. So I am not on any meds. But in the last 2 years many things have been going wrong with my health and I thought they were all separate issues, still being in denial about my condition. Recently I have been in terrible pain and having difficulty breathing, I have seen about 5 doctors and being diagnosed with everything from a pulled shoulder muscle with physio followup, to gerd with medication. Saw a cardio surgeon, and she said all was well, saw a lung specialist who wanted to do an MRI w contrast, but I wanted to have the tests that say my kidneys are working properly before I have the MRI w contrast as it can damage your kidneys. I was about to see a urologist but was suddenly hit again with the terrible upper chest and back pain radiating to my shoulders and upper arms with a fair bit of difficulty breathing, not being able to walk far except some small tasks about the home. After another night of not sleeping due to terrible upper body pain, and having difficulty breathing, I did more research, suddenly thinking all these ailments were connected and that it was most likely the AIH, liver hep that was coming back with a vengeance. And it does seem that AIH in latere stages can cause blood circulation problems as well as difficulty breathing. The doctor I saw at the Bangkok Hospital for my venous insufficiency did not ask any questions, and gave me a prescription to fix that problem, and I was elated, as my son had asked about side effects and the doctor said he had not heard of any side effects. When i got home, I looked up 'Daflon' and it mentions that people with kidney or liver disease should not take this drug as it can lead to liver failure. So a couple of thousand Baht later, I have a drug I cannot take. I am hoping I can return it as it has not been opened and is still in the bag it came in. I am scared and in constant pain, I hope I can see one of the doctors you recommended today.. but I am terrified of being hospitalized, as I have experienced some bad things at the hands of medical staff in my home country. If they say I am dying then I will let them hospitalized me, but I would rather hire a nurse to come to my home to care for me. I have stayed relatively healthy not smoking or drinking, for most of my life, and I am very careful with my diet, eating only clean, organic, grazing products and have mostly kept up an active life with exercise. But that all seems to be in the past now. Thank you Sheryl, for all your advice and help. I avoid all pain meds as most cause more harm to the liver. ???? God bless you for all you do here.
  6. Hi I have had a number of things going wrong with my body lately and thought that they were all separate issues, but I am convinced, I may be headed for Liver failure, so I need to see someone who really knows their stuff. This condition is quite rare, so I need someone with experience to fully diagnose me so I can hopefully take steps to put it into remission and buy myself some more time.. ???? I do not know if I need a Rheumatologist, Gastroenterologist, or Auto Immune specialist. Not ready to go just yet. Thanks for your help
  7. Thank you, he is not at that hospital until Sunday, and I want to see a specialist asap, so I have made an appointment with him at the Bangkok hospital to see him in 48 hrs. ???? Thank you Sheryl
  8. Does anyone know of an excellent doctor in Bangkok for diagnosing PAD and follow up. I am 72 yrs with no insurance..
  9. The Doctor at the hospital says I need a chest, and whole abdomen MRI. I am a senior of 72 and have no insurance and cannot afford it, so I pay cash, however, the cost for these tests are huge, and I read that it would be cheaper to get an MRI at a specialized Scan clinic. I have googled and only found hospitals, not these clinics. Would any of you know where these MRI/CT scan clinics are and maybe what they are actually called, so I might do a proper search? Thank you..
  10. I believe it is fake.. just another scare tactic and hate on for gays and those of us that cannot let go of our 3 yrs of fearmongering. Just sayn' . . .
  11. Hi, it is about 6 months later, but I thought I would post my experience with receiving IV drips of Myers cocktail, NAC, Multi Vitamin drip, and others.. I received all my drips at a health spa on Koh Samui, at New Leaf, detox as I was very unwell. All the drips I believe made me feel more healthy, more energy, etc.. however, the NAC given to me as a 2 hr. drip at I think a 1000 mgs, in total, or 500, per drip bag, was phenomenal. I started with what felt like a terrible cramp in my thigh, or pinched nerve, where my bones meet, or even a bone on bone feeling, that I had been suffering from for over a year, and it was debilitating, as I could not walk for more than an hour, without the pain increasing making me crippled for the evening. The first time I got the double injection of NAC, I really thought nothing of it. But as the evening wore on, my pain was not being triggered, so I just thought OMG, could this be possible? I told my son, and he said, well don't get too excited and just watch your pain levels tonight while you sleep. I slept like a baby and had no pain whatsoever! Next day, I was afraid it might come back, so I went again the next day for another double bag of NAC to insure whatever was happening.. All together, over the next 3 weeks, I received 10 double bag doses of the NAC IV drip. It has now been 8 months and the pain has not come back. The NAC seems to bring down inflammation and reduce pain, and give the body time to heal itself. Maybe that is how is slows the aging process or reverses it. But just to let you know, I noticed the total loss of pain within 24 hrs.. Maybe some people will need more time to notice it. Maybe, it does not work on all ailments. Some of the people at the SPA, took only one bag of the NAC IV drip and did not notice anything. I did not want the crippling pain to come back, so I continued with the IV to ensure that my hip was healed and it is!! Good luck, it is very impt to find out exactly what is in the NAC IV drip, how many milligrams of NAC per bag, and the purity, no other fillers. And maybe compare prices of a few places as well. Good luck, it helped me, maybe it will help you too.
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