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  1. If you're in Jomtien, Koonjae supermarket (really a minimart) have been selling it for THB950 for several months now. They are open 24/7, have a green and white sign and are on the south spar of Thappraya Road, just after "Country Road 3 bar" on the way to the police box on Jomtien beach road. Yes, it is what is known as a "fruit wine" but it's 12% strength and personally, I find it quite palatable. I refuse to pay the extortionate prices (because of tax and freight charges) for any of the other bottles of wine. Also, there is the problem that some wines don't travel well --- add that to "paying through the nose" for them.
  2. Please forgive my ignorance but, what or who is DOGE?
  3. As 007 once said, "As long as the collars and cuffs match?"
  4. Alas, many members have tried to respond to my post without reading it properly! It is my THAI girlfriend who is receiving the UK pension! I know this to be factual because it was me who helped her to start receiving it! She DID accrue some NI years stamps whilst working in the UK --- but fell short of the 10-year minimum requirement to secure a pension in her OWN RIGHT. Her late husband was much older than her (in receipt of the old pension, before changes occurred in April 2016) and the pension which SHE is in receipt of is "on the back of" HIS NI contributions. I hope this clarifies matters. David.
  5. Hi folks, I know that many UK ex-pats have to deal with this every 2 years or so, but this concerns my THAI girlfriend who is in receipt of a small UK pension as a legacy from her late British national husband. About 2-3 years ago she got her village headman to sign the form and DWP rejected it. I suspect that this was because the headman was also her brother, the form wasn't stamped and may have even contained Thai language written by her brother. I rectified the problem for her by paying 1,000 baht to have a lawyer complete the form in English and authenticate it with an official stamp. I then, because of the delay which had already occurred, paid a further 1,000 baht to the Thai post office to effect a guaranteed speedy return. This was most annoying since, her pension payments amount to less than 1,000 baht per lunar month! I have read a similar thread on this site BUT it relates to UK nationals and NOT to Thai nationals. Does anyone know of a similar situation to my girlfriend's one, and can they advise on the following: How can I avoid a 1,000 baht visit to a lawyer? If I can effect the return in a timely manner, what method/price of postage would they suggest? In the other thread to which I earlier referred, some respondents have stated that a stamp was not necessary but, I am pretty sure that the form does in fact, state that the stamp is required. Many thanks.
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 174 seconds  
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 135 seconds  
  8. OK Charlie, I've got it now. Thanks for your assistance.
  9. I can't even find the thread now! When I hit on "Content which I follow", nothing shows up. When something happens like this again, I will do as you suggest Charlie, but pray tell, would I be looking for a button which explicitly says "unfollow"?
  10. Laptop.
  11. Hi folks, Would someone please tell me how to "unfollow" a subject/thread. I've looked almost everywhere on the AN site but I'm damned if I can find the appropriate key. TIA.
  12. Whilst I am not absolving the woman of being a contributory factor to the accident, the driver had a crystal-clear view of her in action. All he needed to have done was ease off the throttle and the lady would had made it to the meridian strip --- and the "accident" would never have happened.
  13. Hi, My Thai girlfriend is in possession of a Thai DL (not her first one) which she acquired about 23 years ago. She is adamant that it is "for life." She points to a word in Thai language on the license which, allegedly confirms this. I'm aware that Thai safety rules can be somewhat lax, but surely a license cannot run forever, at least not without some safeguards, can it? My UK license needs renewing post age 70 every 3 years --- I'm on my second renewal. Admittedly, I only need to affirm that I am still medically fit and competent to drive at each renewal, but at least it is a check of a sort, albeit a "weak one."
  14. Many thanks to all respondents. My friend was adamant that there was no subscription package required. He DOES put monthly money on his phone, but said it was for calls (not data). Perhaps I misunderstood him or, perhaps he doesn't even realise the difference between calls and data himself? I looked at some adverts for MiFi devices. They mentioned that they included a SIM card, but didn't say that there would still need to be a subscription/contract in order for them to work. As I have said, I am not particularly tech minded and thought I had discovered a cheaper or even free alternative to my current plan. I should have realised that there is no such thing as a free lunch, and that if something seems too good to be true, then it probably is! Again, thanks to all for the comments and explanations --- I'm going to stick with the status quo.
  15. First of all, let me affirm that I am not particularly tech minded. I pay an annual subscription of THB2,500 to AIS for data. I use the data so that I can make/receive calls via Line/skype/WhatsApp etc. when out and about. I AM aware of the use of hotspots in bars/cafes etc. but prefer not to rely on them. I also use my phone as a hotspot at home which enables me to operate my laptop for banking/browsing etc. This works fine. When I renewed with AIS earlier this year, I asked them to put THB50 on my phone for normal phone calls. As far as I am aware, that THB50 still exists as I hardly ever make "normal" phone calls, but I felt that it was good insurance in case I needed it. A friend has a mobile Wi-Fi (MiFi) device and has suggested that I should buy one --- for just a few hundred baht with no subscriptions payable. I am a little sceptical about doing this, hence the reason for the question in the title of this thread. My friend said that "some" data is still available on his phone even when he leaves home without the Mi-Fi device, but I can't see how this is possible. Coming back to the question in the thread title: Would the answer be this? If I don't renew my AIS subscription, saving THB2,500pa, but instead, buy a MiFi device to use my laptop at home, I can still access the internet when out and about provided that I TAKE MY MOBILE MiFi DEVICE WITH ME.
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