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Everything posted by Jerry777

  1. Is this news or something anyone never knew?
  2. As soon as the Taksin family gets there next load out of Thailand to a safer currency it will calm down.
  3. I treat street food like a treat. Its not my main diet. And i just go long with it.
  4. Hey sorry, That message was not meant for you.
  5. Lecture your wife about money please!
  6. They were the best, found outside Family Mart at 4am.
  7. Never got my last one back
  8. We perform these rituals at Thanksgiving in the states.
  9. Tip of what?
  10. Have to wonder if her family money is tied to the Baht rise? Did her daddy have billions locked up here that he wants to get out? Chime in please.
  11. Keep your receipts and break a toothpick and keep it for every beer you drink when out.
  12. Thailand has a very unrealistic perception of themselves on the world stage. If all the foreign companies left it would be back to buffalo tractors, 25 baht cheap beers and 500 baht dates.
  13. That wasn't a tip, but here's one, always carry enough cash for a police stop to pay out on the spot. And never ever go to the cop shop,
  14. Lets see who chimes in first. Ok, its me, i was told i would get sick of Thai food.
  15. First time in 1999, many things I was told by the older guys I didn't believe but now I do.
  16. Business General Call for action as baht sparks panic Industrialists say rapid appreciation could deal a blow to exports and tourism Please credit and share this article with others using this link: https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/general/2873426/call-for-action-as-baht-sparks-panic. View our policies at http://goo.gl/9HgTd and http://goo.gl/ou6Ip. © Bangkok Post PCL. All rights reserved.
  17. Ya, during the bidding for the contract they found that DHL was the most expensive and so they won it.
  18. Amy Bob Geldorf could have a concert with Taylor Swift, Diddy and Oprah and raise money
  19. So do I now report police stops where they are fleecing tourists for cash?
  20. I was told when I arrived in 1999 that if I had to ask why more than three times a day I had better leave. Also that I would get sick of thai food.
  21. There goes my spending money.
  22. Probably a good idea
  23. How can I plan a dam thing when the currency here is completely out of control?
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