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Irish star

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Everything posted by Irish star

  1. Anger lol , Your just a Top for Muffingate
  2. You called me an Ass but you got scared and deleted it , lil paranoid after that joint
  3. First of all he doesn’t have policies, you mean that healthcare plan he kept saying it’s coming in a week for 4 years , he deserves all the disrespect he gets , he’s an Ass , he’s Not fit to lead a Dairy Queen let alone a Democracy
  4. I really don’t want to hear your disgusting fantasies, just work out the logistics and consume it
  5. Do you use a straw , who eats soup everyday ffs
  6. Muffin, you got the munchies Now lol
  7. Well maybe people would listen to your ignorant offerings if you changed your moniker
  8. Not really unless it’s a lil mushroom like your daddy
  9. Maybe concentrate on that <deleted>eshow in Canada , before tackling American Politics
  10. You Canadians are a Weird Bunch , you were part of England but still can’t tackle the language
  11. You have the authority to appoint ladybois in Govt
  12. No you would be the Canadian in USA politics , driveling
  13. LB Hunter huh , you sound efficient
  14. Kind of like you in Thailand, what she get outta the deal
  15. Living in Canada how you get the news from San Francisco pretty intimate I never heard anything and I live there
  16. She’s your president soon , gobble it up
  17. The first attempt was one of your own , that’s absolutely ignorant thinking
  18. Your on here everyday supporting Trump , go to dictionary and look up Neutral, ffs nothing neutral about you
  19. Him opening his mouth is enough to Condemn him
  20. Go get stoned , your not taken seriously here lol
  21. Wow you sound Identical to a CultMember , Such Denial , where you hiding Nov 6
  22. It would never be implemented like anything he says , No Plans No Policies
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