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  1. Bangkok or Chiang Mai. It's quite rare to be given to adults so I'd be possibly willing to travel even to Songkhla, if needed though.
  2. Hi, Does anyone know where can I get the BCG Vaccine as an adult in Thailand? I'm interested in this vaccine due to its potential cross-protection against recurrent HSV, as shown by several studies.
  3. Hard to say what happened but judging by the directions of the vehicles and the location of the scratches and leaks, seems like pickup possibly driving on the wrong side of the road into a blind curve and hitting the oncoming big bike head on.
  4. Oral Terbinafine (Lamisil) is also available here but not in most pharmacies. Chula Bhesaj Pharmacy near Silom and Southeast Pharmacy on Sukhumvit normally stock it. You are right that it's good to try topical treatments first. I used some Loceryl laquer successfully to get rid of toenail fungus on the little toe in a few months. I got that also from Chula Bhesaj pharmacy.
  5. Hi, Does anyone know if ciclopirox-based antifungal nail polish is available in Thailand? I'm looking for options to treat toenail fungus. I was prescibed oral ketoconazole from the hospital, but after reading online this seems like a very harsh drug that is not recommended by US or EU doctors. I bought some Terfinabine instead which is the most popular oral medication, but had to stop immediately as I have problems with my immune system. This drug reduces white blood cells, which cause trouble to me within a week.
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