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Everything posted by BarstoolChang

  1. Then i imagine Thailand will have a similar situation to norway. https://www.businessinsider.com/rich-norwegians-worth-billions-relocated-switzerland-escape-higher-wealth-tax-2023-9
  2. Such a greedy government, creating all types of new draconian tax laws with the sole purpose of generating enough revenue to fulfil election promises that will harm the country more than help it. Bring back prayuth.
  3. A massive stimulation in their local economys. I guarantee you foreigners pay more on average than a thai would. 94 percent of them pay no tax at all. You dont need to sit online and lick the boot of this government, they aren't going to give you preferntial treatment mate.
  4. Yes, they got their orders from the OECD. They pull the strings now.
  5. The do not have a different take on it at all, it is all in the same bill.
  6. Yes, because that section is referring to businesses
  7. He was FORCED to work in a scam call centre.
  8. This will never work. Thais will drive their bikes to the 711 across the street rather than walk there.
  9. Nigerians? Dealing Drugs? Here, in Thailand? That's crazy talk. No such thing.
  10. There's no way OP ain't Bob Smith's alt account.
  11. A HIV positive man had dangerous unprotected sex with two other men he had just met and contracted another disease? Nice to see there are some cultural similarities between the east and the west still.
  12. Did you ever buy crypto or deposit money from a crypto exchange to your bank?
  13. Always makes me laugh seeing a bunch of white boomers sitting in Thailand complaining about trump
  14. It's time for your 6th booster shot, John.
  15. How well has that gone for Europe?
  16. What's up with you losers advocating for the murder of others. The United states can't just eliminate whoever it wants. If you feel so strongly about Ukraine winning the war and what more the west should be giving to them, go pick up a rifle and book a one way ticket there.
  17. Yep. Pandering to package tours and to a demographic that doesn't actually put money into Thai owned businesses, only their own I don't understand the Thai governments fetish for the Chinese, but as many are of Thai Chinese descent, it does somewhat make sense. The rest of Thailand doesn't share their sentiments and fondness for the Chinese though.
  18. This dude bought the elite visa when it was cheap and now spends all day defending the price increases and calling people europoors. <deleted>.
  19. You are not forced to live here, and you are not Thai. There are nearly 200 countries in the world, why stay in one and complain about how much you don't like it there. You're entitled to nothing, and Thailand owes you nothing.
  20. You are easily the worst poster on this website. Go home, Bob.
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