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Everything posted by eumenades

  1. Can somebody say something positive amidst all this?
  2. It will take a heck of a lot of patience to deal with Russians in Thailand. But we have to bear in mind that they have a very difficult history in terms of tolerance and oppression. Their government treats them like <deleted> and they can do the same to other people. Physically, Russians resemble Europeans, but psychologically there are tremendous differences. Be patient and try to explain things. Probably, you will find them isolationists at first sight. But show an appreciation for their history and, especially their famous writers. Tolerance is a keyword, but don't accept chauvinistic bull<deleted>. Solzhenitsyn is probably the best, and most readable, Russian writer. Remember he suffered tremendous persecution and was sentenced to the Gulags. But he got out of it. We can get out of it too!
  3. Unfortunately, Russians share many facial characteristics with other western visitors. This must be a source of constant confusion with most European visitors to Thailand. Culturally, Russians are miles apart from most European visitors and have a chronic history of repression and a violence which reverberates amongst their lesser educated arrivals. I feel sorry for Thai cops who have to work amidst such contrastive cultural backgrounds - we all look so similar, but that is not the case.
  4. Yes. I find the Thai alphabet the main obstacle to my learning Thai. I usually reckon to learn another language in, say, three years, but with Thai I am still stumbling around with basic phonemes and the tolerant blank faces of my listeners.
  5. Yes. This kind of thing seems to be getting worse in Thailand. But it is very difficult to convince our readers that Russian society has been conditioned by barbarism for more than a century of repression. The Russians have produced terrific writers - fairly widely read - but the average Russian today prefers knee-jerk chauvinism and reliance on their own tightly controlled media. I feel sure Thailand can expect more of this kind of trouble, especially where Thai cops have little knowledge of Russian history.
  6. Having lived three years in Saudi Arabia, I can see no solution to this kind of barbarism. Unfortunately, the only solution is western armament. So, does that make me as bad as they are? Maybe, but at least Western technology, with experienced strategy, might eventually override and outdate medievalist extremism.
  7. It is all too easy to put in a derisive one-liner - especially if one could not be bothered to learn to write well at school. Look at the crap spelling on this site!
  8. Relevance should take priority over editorial approval. (But let's all cut sneering and abuse.)
  9. Tangential triangulations : When I was young America was a terrific country with Elvis, Buddy Holly, anti-war demonstrations. Now we have greed, narcissism and people like Trump. Ho hum.
  10. Ah well, the Asean agreement states they should not criticize each other's political processes. How about that for 'kreng jai'?
  11. Yes. Bad news for anybody who can easily think without a hangover. Personally, I think Thailand is a great country. I feel no need to boost myself and Western culture with criticism about corrupt cops etc..
  12. Does anyone know how the f-ing buttons work on this site? (Sorry about this.)
  13. Sure. That is called 'moral relativity'. But right now we are focusing on Russia. Not a bad Idea since Putin keeps threatening us with nuclear war.
  14. Yes. Solzhenitsyn told me most of what I know about Soviet Russia. A terrific guy! And , it is eerie how much of them apply to Russian society today.
  15. Not to mention their writers - but a bit too complex for a site like this one (?)
  16. I love the bit about concealing himself in a tent!
  17. Not to mention rings, wristwatches and general deportment.
  18. How about Crazy Jack's 'Match the Snatch' and bonking booth?
  19. Nice to hear these things, Mike. (So far, no homophobic one-liners from our derisive subscribers.)
  20. Just looking around. Okay, let's have a bit more debate. And make it better than the usual cynical one-liners.
  21. Why not refer to yourself in the first?
  22. My thoughts are the Russians have such a dreadful history, it is little surprise that they produce a higher percentage of nasty people. But, having said that, there are a good percentage of young people there that want change and are courageous enough to risk imprisonment to voice that. Unfortunately, it looks like Thailand is a niche for the rich who would not act against Putin.
  23. Not to mention their history of producing good writers. I travelled on a Russian ship once and everyone was nice to me.
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