Thanks. The quoted 0-100km/h is certainly impressive, particularly for the price! The top end at 180kph not so much unfortunately. Any idea as to why they limit these cars so much as they’re obviously capable of going much faster. To preserve the battery perhaps …
For reference purposes, here’s a comparison between the ‘slowest’ 992 gen (base) 911 and the quoted performance stats for the fastest ex30:
992 (base):
power: 385ps
power/weight: 253 ps/t
0-100: 4.2 (quoted)
0-100: 3.2 (actual, source: fastestlaps)
top speed: 293kph
EX30 Twin Motor:
power: 434ps
power/weight: 223ps/t
0-100: 3.6 (quoted)
top speed: 180kph
Ignoring the fact that Porsche massively under rate the performance statistics of their cars, I’d say that the slowest 911 is certainly faster, even potentially in a straight line. Can’t deny that the EX30 is a performance bargain though, interesting times!