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Everything posted by Quit

  1. It's a disgrace to the Thai military. We all remember how strictly they were after Thaksin ... but finally, while still in office, made a shady deal with him and his party for his return. The spinelessness of so many people in military and police uniforms here is disgusting.
  2. Why don't these guys fit through the plane toilet?
  3. Mistook him for a Palestinian. By the way, it took me 3 Minutes to type this, as I have to watch and close huge annoying ads for days now.
  4. What some of the moralists here don't seem to get is that the "allegedly" obscene acts are per se not the legal problem here - but not having the consent of her parents to be with her is.
  5. So is he the owner of the massage parlor? Otherwise the story doesn't make much sense. Anyway, it's probably on "tape".
  6. Why don't we ALL use agents from now on? No one goes to immigration himself for anything anymore. Let's make us all equal. I am sure that is what immigration law was all about ...
  7. Two hot Ladyboys would have been so willing to pose for that pic. Without pixeling.
  8. There's to many "bee"s in that story for me to unwind it. And probably a lot of pee, too.
  9. Laurel clockvine is raang jeud (รางจืด) or Thunbergia laurifolia. Little ironweed is Cyanthillium cinereum and used for colds or to help you stop smoking. I found a couple of Thai herbs that you get in pharmacies or the Tumrubthai shop effective. Pet Sung Kart for hemorrhoids and ligament problems, Krachai for viruses. And there is one that raises your libido but unfortunately lowered my blood pressure too much, forgot it's name, Thai men take it.
  10. It's a mental illness called greed and it will bring the adequate karma on his mishpocha.
  11. Thanks. I meant it ironically. I guess if you found what you want (sexwise) it's cheaper than looking for it. At least you know what you get for the price. Regarding this article - after running into trouble, professionals all over the world claim to have been seduced, forced, beaten, robbed ... Not that it doesn't happen. But it sounds like their standard excuse when they don't want to confirm that they are prostitutes by their own decision.
  12. So sex with Thai career women IS free? Or do you have to be named Tom?
  13. but it was unclear why he was shaking the gates of the condo or climbing condo walls. See A reborn monkey.
  14. Right. After the 3rd time he probably writes to us from heaven.
  15. Exactly. BPH has or had ads in their elevators promoting the vaccine. When I asked a cardiologist there, he frankly told me he found it was rather ineffective.
  16. Intubation in those cases is often the beginning of the end, as we have seen during Corona. Believe it or not, there is a study about the effect of a well-known med that showed antiviral properties. Bangkok Hospital will most probably not use it, I checked during Covid times. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6277121/#:~:text=Because of the antivirus and,growing trend in the world.
  17. Paragraph 182 of the German Criminal Code makes paying for sex for under 18 year olds punishable (in this respect it's comparable to Thai law), also when done abroad. But it says in clause (6) it may be overlooked "when the injustice done is small". https://dejure.org/gesetze/StGB/182.html I guess the guy has a lawyer and he estimated the injustice to be small, as the 17 year old was working openly in a bar and obviously not forced to do so.
  18. It comes down to a single problem in the end: YouTubers and Tictocers making money without a work permit. There are lots of them.
  19. I have been to some gov hospitals and none were a war zone. But I read the words "war zone" in another money raising attempt on Phuket, in that case of an owner of a company who sells condos. Instead of using his own money that he must have had invested, he had his friends raise a million baht or more. He also insisted to stay in the most expensive hospital. So they make others pay for their mistakes of not having an insurance, or they are scammers in the end. Telling them to just walk away means that we retirees will somehow pay the bill. Unpaid bills led to pressure from hospitals on the government and to the requirement of having a health insurance. It would be wise to have each and any tourist have one before letting them in, to be fair.
  20. She should now write the mega hit เครื่องยนต์เดียวก็เพียงพอแล้ว (One engine is enough).
  21. In Germany and the 80s I saw how the US military police worked when a German tried to flirt with an American girl in a bar quarter and one of her friends got angry. The German was told to stay away. That must have been surreal for him in his country 40 years after WW2 had ended. If a Chinese police(wo)man would interfere when I flirt with a Chinese student here, there would certainly be trouble.
  22. One thing that really puzzles me: Even Trump clearly supports Israel. That can't be backed up by all of his voters.
  23. That's how they trust their defense system. Or perhaps they just want to say: I am not with Netanjahu.
  24. One solution probably is to only take money from your foreign credit or debit card, not wire it to a Thai bank account.
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