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  1. Someone in this thread mentioned ordinary tourists coming to Pattaya, looking for temples culture etc. I would say those people are lost and they probably could benefit from Google maps. The reason that Thailand is such a wonderful place is that it was never colonized by Christians. Judge not that you be not judged never figured very prominently in their actual day-to-day religion. I think the definition of sexpat is a man who lives in a foreign country. Every man I have ever known has an interest in sex. Even if because of age or medicines or operations or whatever he can't participate, he still wants to hear about it. The Thai people though very conservative in some ways are very liberal in others and there is a realism that having a relationship of any sort for however long with a farang is highly likely to increase their standard of living. As an American, I have learned a great deal from the Thai people and have much much more to learn. I like most Americans am loud, obnoxious and impatient. Luckily the Thai people are the opposite of those. I have only been coming here for 20 years so I don't know what it was like before And I have been lucky enough to have never met anyone here complaining about other foreigners having sex. But in weird cultures around the world like American evangelist there is a desire to label everyone else as a pervert, probably because their ministers never engage in sex. And if you're stupid enough to believe that, then please send me some money because God wants me to have a private jet. When I was growing up there was an expression which was live and let live. If someone wants to label me a sexpat let them go ahead and do that. .
  2. If you're serious about this then I have to wonder why you picked this site post this request. I have no idea on this site how to send you a personal note and it shows your email it's been removed. I would suggest you try posting it on the site like silverdaddies. I think most gay men are looking for a lifetime friendship. Even if the relationship started off sexual they don't tend to continue in that way. We don't tend to have family who can help us through the experiences we are all likely to have. And we have bucket lists of places we would like to go and things we would like to do where it would be nice to have someone to share those with whether they make the trip or the adventure just someone to talk to. Charlie
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