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Everything posted by hondoelsinore

  1. Only 3 pages in and the same old ridiculous rhetoric from the other 131 page monstrosity that is comprised of mostly personal and emotional content from nervous pseudo intellectuals that have all the answers to a question that they are not sure of. Now you get a little snippet of different scenarios from a Thai tax expert,and it's pretty much ignored and it's right back to the same same, but different. I've doomed scrolled this subject since the beginning, but I believe I can break free now. Sayonara Suckers.
  2. Make more women, Thailand, because lord knows you're not making many men. If they're not ladyboys, they all seem to be very feminine.
  3. How could you ever speak for a Thai if you're not a Thai? Asking for a Thai friend. 😂
  4. 14 years working in Israel. Part of the drilling project that discovered the offshore Leviathan Gas field, the largest ever discovered in the area. Stressful at times especially at Ashdod and Haifa. Hazardous duty pay was as much as my salary, which was quite good, and being tax free helped it to be extra special. Love the Israelis and Jews are great to do business with, so great that we were awarded a 10 year contract for $550,000 US dollars a day. Good times.
  5. 115 pages of having so many answers for questions that no one is really sure about, and the four top posters that seem to have the most to lose, need some help mentally, or not much of a life... Methinks it's the latter. Good Luck with all of that. 😕
  6. Can you imagine being a native in your own country, and having foreigners tell you when and how to run your business? yea... I can't either.....
  7. Your going to be fine; and even if your not going to be fine, isn’t it better to just exist thinking that you’re going to be fine. And when it’s not fine, then you can just <deleted> handle it. There no sense to ruin right now, right?
  8. I grew up in Singapore and came here in 1994 and stayed for 8 years, and yes it was like you say, but accepting the fact that someplace was or might seem third world was never an issue for me with Singapore. Thailand has always done cheap way better than trying to be a true player for the wealth market. You will always fail when you have too much greed, and do not have a confident forward vision as a government and do not truly care for your citizens, your infrastructure, or your flailing society and the constant indecisiveness will always attract the wave upon wave of low life from around the world that think they are smarter than you. Only my opinion....
  9. Another point of Thailand always longing to make the country attractive for the wealthy, but with the never ending clueless moves like this, they just don't have the capacity to make it happen, and it always falls back to just settling with the sexpats, criminals, and third rate tourists. It seemingly cannot rise above the old R&R spot for Vietnam soldiers full of cheap drink, and cheap woman that it's always been, but now it can also be the spot for the two week millionaires from everywhere. Thailand is always just settling, just like you are settling. Sad actually.
  10. They're here.... I was amazed that this thread actually went as far as it has without so many trolls and rottenness, but starting to see more and more on every page. I know what I will do now, and I offer good luck to the sad, tired, and nervous keyboard warriors. Let the games officially began!
  11. Wait.. wah... But the Vegetarian Festival is starting soon and we all know the Chinese love this event.... wonder what could've put them off?
  12. If the day comes that it might affect folks in monogamous heterosexual relationships, until that happens, meditation would not be necessary for me. You seem extremely agitated and irritated about unprotected gay sex and where Monkeypox and HIV originated in the world? As for me, It never crosses my mind.
  13. Not one mention that the Thai man with HIV had an undetectable viral load, or was on medication but irrelevant of that fact is someone had Monkeypox and seems they were easily passing it around like candy on Halloween.
  14. Keywords; The Thai man, also an HIV patient, and partaking in an orgy with two others? Just another cheeky day in Amazing Thailand.
  15. It must be a drag to be such a know it all... never said anything about avoiding anything, I could give a rats ass about what ANYBODY does with their personal income tax, but I have to admit that I've grown extremely tired of the ridiculous and unnecessary embellishment on what someones particular choices might be, that for some strange reason just has to be shared to total strangers on a public forum. It was just simply a statement and if you don't know the OP, then why would you care? So... I am sure you have a fragile little ego and we will have to do the childish keyboard warrior fight of who might be the wittier one, until one of us finally gets tired of the stupidity and blocks the other one.
  16. Certain people always feel compelled to make it out that they are just doing the right thing, when in reality they are just going the cheapest route. It seems to be in their DNA, must be in yours as well...
  17. Have Thai coup's, flooding, the Erawan bombing, government protest, unsolved tourist murders, drownings, sub standard infrastructure, taxi over pricing, double pricing, disparaging comments, etc. stopped the herds from coming? No.... Bottom line is the only real concern is the amount of money coming in and how fast it is coming in, the rest is irrelevant but makes for never ending feigned stories of concern from the media.
  18. What would be the worst tax bill you could expect in a single tax year bringing US dollars into Thailand from an IRA after 25% in US taxes are immediately deducted for every withdrawal and transferred into a US account and later transferred into the Thai wife's bank account via Wise transfer. Everyone is talking like you could be facing an outrageous tax payment and the possibility of being held in country until paid. Paying federal tax on all withdrawals and filing a US tax return every year, like I've done for the last 48 years of my life. Seems to me that it couldn't be much, especially since I'm not bringing millions in and if I see that it is after one year then I will go back to that piece of ground in my hometown.
  19. Easy to play the fair game with the typical liberal mindset of civic responsibility when the tax rate of your residency is lower than your mother country, it's just not necessary to virtue signal to strangers on the Internet.
  20. Too many cooks spoil the broth... This subject has been all over the place, especially by the many that are in a panic. I believe the RD and the new Nit-Wit running things now cannot begin to fathom the end results of this, but in the typical Thai fashion, they only see dollar signs right now. Tackling taxes is a politicians dream, but taking from the many that will never be represented by their burden will turn into a nightmare. It's always nice to have a plan, but it is a catastrophic train wreck when not completely thought through.
  21. Just a move for yet another developing country to move into the digitalization and control of currency and gaining more tax revenue in the interim. It has always been inevitable for this to happen especially in the race towards a one world currency and at the end of the day, if you are moving millions of baht every year into a country where you reside, then how arrogant of you to think this was going to be without any repercussion and lasting forever? You can stupidly list all your small fish assets on a public forum to appease a fragile unhealthy ego and continue to threaten to strangers on the Internet that you will pack it all in and leave for greener pastures, but those pastures you seek will be no different than here in the very near future. Welcome to the machine....
  22. Opinion: Thailand’s new tax directive risks alienating investors and the digital workforce https://www.thaienquirer.com/50842/opinion-thailands-new-tax-directive-risks-alienating-investors-and-the-digital-workforce/
  23. I never understood why anybody would kill their cash cow, yet some do, mainly out of greed and stupidity I suppose. I also do not understand why so many get "crazed" at what governments do, as we all know full well that you are not dealing with the best of the best in this country, and from the street vendors, the bar girls, the taxi drivers, and pretty much every soul in Thailand including the government has a bad case of the "I wants" and since too many don't have the capacity to comprehend hard work and discipline as a way of life that might get them a life that others might envy, too many always seem to go about achieving a better life, in the laziest way possible. I am always amazed at the expats when Thailand is not giving you what you want, and wonder why you would you stay? and bitch and bellyache about everything here and so condescending towards the population, that only makes you miserable and people hateful towards you. Being married to an older Thai lady that is very educated but clueless about so much in life, made me see immediately never to put all of your eggs in one basket here, be friendly and kind but do not be naive for one second because you will be the exact type that is on their radar. I am here to attest to the fact that you can live a semi decent life here if you do not make it like the life where you came from, invest little but take away much in the many experiences you can have. Live light and learn to play the game before the game plays you, use your intelligence to adapt and always have an "ace in the hole" and for gods sake, put away that ridiculous ego you brought with you, because you stand out like a sore thumb.
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