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  1. Your gf is cleaning my condo tomorrow ...wanted to give you feedback
  2. Another useless exchange on AN. 1 more day and i've had enough of this junk.
  3. I can't even compare myself against 'mainstream farang' as the bar is so low its too embarrassing lol. Where i live, there aren’t any old boys dragging around their financially challenged partners, thank god. Thats why i moved here. Too many of those in pattaya. They all think they're hansum too 😆 Everyone looks great when the competition is tragically bad!
  4. The confused emoji is mine. "Put up with your information" ...?????
  5. I guess not many countries you can find a female willing to have kids with a 72 year old. Throwing stones in glass houses ...is that the saying? 🤣
  6. "Put up with your info" ...put up what? that sentence doesn't make sense.
  7. This is why i can only take a week on here. Mixing with dumb, miserable folks ...like you??
  8. Is 50 old? i guess a bit. Not retired. Moaner? ...living the dream! The heck have i got to moan about? 😆 i love it here.
  9. Happy and content, living in bangkok. Love the country. Not retired.
  10. I'll stay for a week and be gone for a few months. I just can't stand most people. Most are old retired moaners - i can't put up with them. I'll post pics, upset a good few lol and be gone. Total waste of time on here. Not good for my aura.
  11. Isn't it funny when you get 5 notifications all at the same time ...the same person takes the effort to scroll back to all your posts in the same topic 😂 Love it 😛
  12. Never mind my laptop, i bet i'd get the crocs nicked off my feet. Terribly judgemental i know.
  13. There are 8 people living in the house ...i think ...not sure thats how middle class (at least by my own gauge) live. Not knocking the chap, the dogs and cats sound great.
  14. Whacking thai people's cars with your shopping bags. That decreases your life expectancy too!
  15. Yes, its in the style of a 1970's new york loft apartment.

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