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Anon B

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Everything posted by Anon B

  1. Who paid 100 THB? Some agents are actually well known and don't cut corners. Some people just need extra help because they don't know where to start. If agents all do illegal things, then they should all be shut down.
  2. I know this is a very old thread, but I was in this exact same situation and my embassy told me the exact same thing. I just got out last month. All I heard was contradictory advice from people. What a nightmare that was. I'm so happy I finally got out without being caught. I'm very sure I used the same, well known, agent as well. It's definitely her style.
  3. Tom H, she scammed me too. I tried to send you a message, but I wasn't able to for some reason. If she scammed any of you, please PM me.
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