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  1. Considering the recent spikes in air pollution, I'm trying to improve air quality inside the condo. I'm not sure what's a realistic goal though, when it comes to PM2.5 that is the main pollutant here. Those who keep indicators and air purifiers inside your house, what's your acceptable levels? The WHO suggests pretty low values that I don't think I've ever seen inside even when using the purifiers. I recently also had some respiratory issues which makes me worry more about it. I've also not sure what device to trust... My air purifier shows 15 μg/m3 while an AQI monitor that is exactly next to the purifier shows 35 μg/m3 (PM2.5)
  2. I would like to play some reactive games that can be badly affected by high latency. Specifically at the moment, I'm trying Throne and Liberty. It has servers in Japan, Europe, US West and US East. With or without VPN, I'm seeing a ping of 200-300 in almost all of those regions (I was hoping Japan would be much better). The game does not have an in-game latency counter but through the Performance Monitor of windows I see the TCP connections of the game ranging often at 250+. Some people mention software like ExitLag, but others say that it doesn't do anything more than a VPN and any numbers it will give you on its interface will not be real or reflected by the Performance Monitor. There's no closer (distance wise) server than Japan to Thailand. How do gamers in Thailand work around such issues? Is there something I'm missing?
  3. I see. Thank you. My METV was issued near the end of April, so it should be good until Ocrober. Thank you.
  4. I'm currently on an active METV. My 60 days end on July 7. I would like to visit Cambodia by air and return to get restamped for 60 days and also sightsee Cambodia for a bit. What I couldn't find is: Does the time I spend in Cambodia matter? If let's say I were to return the same day or in 5 days, does it matter? Together with that, does it matter if I return prior to 7th of July that my original 60 day period ends?
  5. Hello, Back in home country, online pet shops had full categories with food for sterilized cats, however here I might have across 1, literally 1 brand (Royal Cannin, which is like the most expensive) in only one shop. I'm checking Lazada now, I don't see any filters for it. Maybe another term is used? Maybe the translation is messing with me, or is it not a normal thing here to give different food to your sterilized cats?
  6. I will probably try that. Do you happen to know how the declaration form looks like? I couldn't find it on https://www.customs.go.th
  7. Because many of these are older models or not brought in this part of the world, I had no luck finding them.
  8. I've been searching on Lazada, Fortune Town and other malls for replacements and couldn't find ones that suited me for similar prices, that's why I'm thinking of taking the extra customs cost.
  9. I would like to ship some personal equipment (a monitor, a microphone, 1-2 hard drives (with data) a headset some cables and minor electronic peripherals of a desktop pc). I've read many horror stories about Thai customs... They are all used and total value is less than $600 (THB 2200). Country of origin is Greece. Some would say to buy new ones, but I would prefer my own if the cost is not extravagant, because they are parts that I can't easily find here (either because they are old or brands not popular here). What would be the best way to bring them in?
  10. I use both. GX has more gamer feels and more aesthetic features and if you're into gaming, it includes some throttling toggles in case you play games same time as browsing and have performance issues. The only thing it's currently missing (but I suppose it's coming later down the road) is the Tab Island feature Opera classic has. They are very similar otherwise.
  11. I see, thank you, I'll try including the one with all the promotions inside. What about the return ticket/date?
  12. Few days ago I've applied for an e-visa (METV) through their website. I have gotten an automated reply and there's no contact email to ask questions about it, so I hope someone here knows. The messages says the following: "Travel booking confirmation: Please upload the following document into the e-visa system: Detailed air e-ticket with number and PNR no. under your name showing all flights from Greece to Thailand, arrivals, departures, RETURN or ongoing, times confirmed flights. " Now this makes me have 2 questions: 1. Do I need an already booked departure ticket? I have not booked yet tickets out of Thailand as I’m planning to stay for 8 months and visiting Cambodia or Laos via land. On the field of "Intended departure date" I had filled 60 days after my arrival, as I wasn't sure if it had to be before I exit once or the total intended time (which would be more). 2. In what form is the e-ticket they need? I’ve checked my booking from Turkish Airlines and the only e-mail I have received for my ticket seems to be bundled with promotions and images. It doesn't look "official" at all. Have you had any other Turskish Airlines e-ticket? I can't seem to find how to get one.
  13. I'm hearing from some youtubers that the Multi Entry Visa requires also proof of exit flight from Thailand. Is this true? If yes, how do you guys handle that?
  14. Indeed I have not heard anything about this. Do you need to present £5,000? What exactly do you refer to?
  15. Thanks for the pointers, I did have some things mixed up. In my case, I am referring to the METV. I would like to stay for as long as possible with this visa.
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