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Mike Lister

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  1. The issue is NOT whether anyone has or hasn't, the issue IS whether it is or it isn't. This is not directed at you but this debate has become banal and circular, it is pointless to engage in such things, until new evidence is introduced to change the staid boring old arguments that are mostly entrenched emotion. Over and out
  2. I agree and don't agree! In this particular case, it's consensus opinion, Expat Tax has spoken on the subject, as has TRD representatives publically. Until something better comes along to disprove those two sources, that 's what I prefer to believe. And the evidence is that the UK's HMRC also consider those things assessable income, which further strengthens the case. But once again, people can believe whatever they want, just don't tell me that I'm wrong, just because one small well connected law firm says it is so.
  3. Because, as discussed previously (!) the TRD officers at the Hua Hin presentation some months ago, stated that they (ATM and CC) were both considered to be assessable. That information is contained somewhere in a video that somebody posted but I can't be bothered to try and find it.....it's up to you and everyone else, what they want to believe at this point. All done here.
  4. ATM Withdrawals and Payments Expats often ask if withdrawing cash in Thailand from an overseas account or paying a third party, like school fees with a foreign credit card, counts as a remittance taxable in Thailand. The answer is yes. Both types of transactions are seen as remittances into Thailand and are taxable. Under the CRS, these transactions are automatically reported to the Revenue Department, making them aware of these financial activities. https://www.expattaxthailand.com/how-crs-enables-thailands-tax-authorities-to-track-your-finances/ Goodbye stat.
  5. You wrote: "How? It's a gift from his wife to him. No?" Goodbye, you and me are done here
  6. You asked me why it was tax evasion and I explained. Don't insult me because I gave you an answer you didn't like. I don't care what you do with your taxes, how much you pay or not pay or whether you go to jail or not. Bye.
  7. The issue is not about how they would know if he was using the card, he told us he would use it, he therefore admits to tax evasion.
  8. What is written on paper is meant to reflect reality, if it doesn't, that's tax evasion.
  9. If you tax guy has already been filing for you, you already have a tax account and a TIN, you should ask him what the number is but it will almost certainly be on the copies of any tax returns that he gives you. I get that you file as non-resident for tax purposes, because your income arises inside Thailand but you are not tax resident.
  10. He says he has a credit card that allows him to access those funds, which means he is using the funds that were supposed to be a gift. To be a gift, the funds not be returned to the giver in any way.
  11. I run every morning and nearly always encounter dogs, most are usually OK. On the rare occasion a dog is not OK and becomes aggressive, I carry a copy of one of those long posts you frequently find in the tax threads and start reading aloud......even the most aggressive dog usually loses interest quickly and slinks away.
  12. This, "only for Thai" line has its limits, not providing the same discount to all old age people is over the line for me, it's just not in good faith. What next, over age 65 years tax deduction of 190k is only for Thai also! Very very possibly.
  13. You raise a point that only a lawyer can answer conclusively, my opinion is that you can but that's only an opinion. The advantage of course, as you realise, is the additional PA of 60k which is certainly useful.
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