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  1. Is there any certified information on that last part? looks like all lawyers don't agree does anyone know a reliable tax advisor regarding this topic?
  2. Which informations are incorrect about this video?
  3. did we have any official update since this thread was created?
  4. is that still true if this new rule passes?
  5. Thank you, that was also my thinking until i saw that video from the Thaiger (timecoded) They say the new law (worldwide income tax of all income sources) would be effective from 2024. So you think they're just misinterpretating?
  6. very helpful To be more specific in case some did not understand, my question is what would happen IF this proposal were to pass 🙂 Also, as I said, it sounds like the Thaiger does have an information on the specific date the rule is gonna apply, so it sounds a bit more than "just a proposal"
  7. Wait... multiple sources say "from 2024" So, If this year I already remitted money that I earned before 2024 (not taxable before the change), before knowing about this new rule, I still have to pay tax on it in 2025 because it's retroactive? Please tell me I'm wrong or that's completely fked up
  8. Hello, I'm looking to extend my stay and I've been hearing and reading multiple times about lawyers that will help you set up a business visa/work permit without actually working or the need to open your company with all the constraints implied like having 4 Thai workers But so far I've been struggling a bit to find the right lawyer, I've asked some big firms which seem to only follow the "right" way, so my question is do you have recommendations on who to talk to, or where to look ? Thank you
  9. Yes that's exactly my question & situation, I couldnt prove that money is income or not and even less on which year i earned it Seems like most people on the main thread expect it to be exempted if brought before 1/1/24
  10. is there any proof to submit about the "income brought into the country after the year in which it as earned" part when you file the return though? i'd have a hard time proving the exact year
  11. yeah saw those, and asked my question 3 times there but no one answered - obviously cant read the whole 113 pages Do you think any chance we get more information before Jan 1st ?

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