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Pipi Olly

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Everything posted by Pipi Olly

  1. I was in the exact same situation one year ago. Deleted Windows and installed Ubuntu. Can't complain. Canonical has made some tremendous improvements to its OS over the years. Really stable. I don't regret switching and, after a year of Linux, it's pretty safe to say that I won't go back to Microsoft crappy OS anytime soon.
  2. Singapore is gonna to be a tough competitor. Just sayin'.
  3. More and more people are paying the price of a life of anxiety and stress as they age. Being happy and relaxed is one of the most efficient way to remain in good health. Of course it ain't magic. Other factors come into play, especially genetics and your body's ability to manage all those toxic substances that the industrial world releases in the environment. But happy people with solid social networks usually live longer. At the end of the day, we all die.
  4. That project has been underway for a while now. Hua Hin is building a new gigantic train station. Funds are Chinese I believe. It's pretty obvious the train will go from Vientiane to the Malaysia through Thailand. Great project for the region. Much needed based on my train experiences here !
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