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Posts posted by looping

  1. My fiancee said she would help you find her. What would you pay for her to do this? Up to you. Please contact me with your e mail.

    SURELY YOU JEST!!! You think this guys best bet is to start paying other people to help him find her, like she's suffering from amnesia and will fall back into his arms once she remembers what happened? :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Good money after bad... NOT THE SOLUTION. I think we all know where she is: Either in Pattaya or lording it up in her brand new house...the toast of the village!

  2. Just to play devils advocate: This girl worked in Pattaya in a gogo bar. We don't know why she started working there but anyone who's ever been there...can you possibly try to imagine what it would be like, day after day, selling yourself to (lets face it) overweight old drunk farang?!!! Or getting hammered by some army guys on r&r. At the same time, hearing all these stories of how to get out of the business by having 'sponsers' send you cash when they return home from their holiday, seeing some of the girls manipulate them, and learning all the tricks of the trade so that you can leave with a nice retirement before you're too old or catch HIV...or both!!!

    To me it seems like a survival tactic; a desperate measure to end a desperate situation. Think about it, what would you do in the same situation? It's sad, yes, for the guy, but in your home country, would you trust a crack whore, or a smack head charging 20 bucks for.....?

    He's a victim of crime, probably equal to or less than her; let's not forget she's been working in the sex industry, probably been raped, for sure had sex with some creepy guys etc etc, can we blame her for this desperate measure?

    Anyway, this guy has lost face big time and I hope he manages to rebuild his life and move on because he needs to accept what happened, move on or this will consume him.

  3. Thanks. I went to the Embassy this morning and ordered a 48 page passport. Very quiet there, I guess not many tourists around at the moment. They said not to leave the country so guess I'm not going to Cambodia before 25th to look for accom. Never mind, I've been assured that there's plenty of condos free in PP and ther'll be a multitude of estate agents at orientation eager to take my dollars. I'll follow up on this when the passport arrives. Thanks again.

  4. Here goes...I'm English in BKK, got a non-imm type 'o' visa based on marriage, and a work permit; both valid until April 2011. I resigned from my job in BKK and have taken a job in Phnom Penh. I want to visit soon to secure a condo (and a shipping address)...

    Question 1: When my BKK school cancels the WP, can I still keep the visa if I get a multiple re-entry permit? I'll be visiting every month or 2 to see the missus etc. NB I'll be able to show funds coming into Thailand from Cambodia every month as International Bank Transfers so in theory will still have income coming into Thailand (more than 40k) as the requirement states.

    If I can't keep the visa without the WP then I won't bother with the re-entry permit because I'll move over there for the new semester on July 25th so can just come back between my initial trip and the 25th on a tourist visa.

    Next issue: Only about 1 1/2 pages left in passport.

    Question 2: If I apply for a new passport now can I still use the existing passport in a week or so when I go to PP for the accom search?

    Question 3: Is there a 'fast track' passport service available in BKK? Better to go to the British Embassy or send direct to HK?

    Question 4: Finally, is the full page Cambodian visa multiple entry or single (if it's multiple maybe I can squeeze it all on my existing passport).

    I think that's it...

    Thanks for reading, any info would be much appreciated!

  5. I'm changing jobs at the end of July and have been informed by my new employer that even though I have a non-imm visa and work permit, I'll have to re-apply for a non-imm visa (type 'B'), then apply for a new work permit through this new visa. A little frustrating because I'm currently stamped in until next April, anyway, I'm not here to complain, here's my question: Do I have to leave Thailand to get a new non-imm 'B' visa or can I have it all processed here seeing as I already have a non-imm visa?

    I currently have a type 'o' based on marriage, no need for 90 day stamp. Many thanks in advance...

  6. It's strange how the international media always seem to leave out the 'Thaksin link' when they report on this. It's such an important piece in the puzzle that to me it even feels suspicious that they don't mention this, almost like he's greased a few palms in the west (oh it does happen!). Instead they talk about the 'rural poor' versus the 'elite', and associate the word democracy with the very people who ruin the very idea by happily selling their vote fot the price of a couple of beers!

    I think that the bbc/cnn and the rest of these 'non-biased' organisations should get to the real truth which is far more interesting than the story which they're currently reporting.

    Why don't they ask the red shirts how much they're getting paid? Ask them why they think Thaksin is so great and what he could do for the country should he return. Ask them how they think that Thaksin, as a convicted criminal, could possibly plan to be taken seriously by the international community, should he manage to bully his way back into office.

    Ask them why they are using women and children as a human shield.

    Ask them why they risk their lives for a greedy evil billionaire?

    Why can't the press get an interview with Thaksin? A few well placed questions will simply destroy him.

    Why don't the international media do their job rather than appearing to be the heroes in the danger zone, reporting alongside the red-shirt 'freedom fighters'?

    My point? It appears that Thaksin has more than just a few red-shirts in his back pocket!!!

  7. Funny, the red shirt leaders have repeatedly stated that they've been staying at the protest site and not at posh hotels! The great thing for them is that their supporters are just plain STUPID!!! If you ever needed more proof, check this out. The red shirt leaders told their supporters that the Americans must have been lying about tapping Thaksins phone because Thaksin speaks Thai on the phone and Americans speak English. So how could they have understood what he was saying? THE CROWD BELIEVED THEM!!!!! I'd be laughing if it wasn't so sad.

  8. Respect to Mr.Abhisit for remaining firm in the face of a horrible situation. Regarding the dead red shirts I wonder if Thaksin will thank their families for supporting his personal cause. Maybe a cash settlement to encourage more of the same? He probably slept well last night, knowing that the much awaited deaths will give him an advantage. It's so sad to see the poor people of Thailand being manipulated in this way...

  9. Unbelievably I've read a couple of PRO-THAKSIN comments!!!?? I MEAN REALLY UN-F######-BELIEVABLE. He SO doesn't care about Thailand AT ALL. Grrrrrrrrrr, makes me so angry. Oh hang on...yeah; "yai yen yen, mai ben rlai"...that's better, now I'm thinking like a Thai! :D

    Sounds like someone has been drinking Sondhi's right wing elitist drivel...

    Right on man! Cos Thaksin isn't elitist at all, he cares for the people, not himself at all, he just wants to help the poor :) ...HAHAHAHAHA...!

    sarcasm is supposed to be the lowest form of wit, But it's fun isn't it?

    Oh yes, especially after a hard day at the office, just what the doctor ordered! On a serious note I just can't believe that anyone on this forum (who can read and write English) actually still supports Thaksin in any way, really I just can't believe it unless...maybe...no just not possible. But then...he's rich...and he can help us become rich too, he said so, and I believe him... he seems like an honest guy...he's just a victim :D :D :D back to reality...when he was in power this post would have to have been deleted to preserve the very existance of this website, some people have such short memories! blah blah blah chok dii cap, off to bed!

  10. Unbelievably I've read a couple of PRO-THAKSIN comments!!!?? I MEAN REALLY UN-F######-BELIEVABLE. He SO doesn't care about Thailand AT ALL. Grrrrrrrrrr, makes me so angry. Oh hang on...yeah; "yai yen yen, mai ben rlai"...that's better, now I'm thinking like a Thai! :D

    Sounds like someone has been drinking Sondhi's right wing elitist drivel...

    Right on man! Cos Thaksin isn't elitist at all, he cares for the people, not himself at all, he just wants to help the poor :) ...HAHAHAHAHA...!

  11. Unbelievably I've read a couple of PRO-THAKSIN comments!!!?? I MEAN REALLY UN-F######-BELIEVABLE. He SO doesn't care about Thailand AT ALL. Grrrrrrrrrr, makes me so angry. Oh hang on...yeah; "yai yen yen, mai ben rlai"...that's better, now I'm thinking like a Thai! :)

  12. I had to laugh at yesterday's slip-up by Thaksin where he says if he gets back in his supporters won't have to line up anymore for their 500 baht! OUCH!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS IT'S A MUST VIEW...HIS FACE IS PRICELESS AFTER HE REALISES WHAT HE'S SAID!!! I suppose it was only a matter of time before he spoke some truth. This was a classic, he managed to humiliate himself and his 'hired support' in one foul swoop. I played it to my wife and she's over the moon!!! How can he possibly defend this comment? Surely he's ruined any trace of credibility that he may have had? I do hope so. SAWAT DII PEE MAI!!!

    Is there a video link to this comment?

    Yes on the 1st page of this thread. It's a real classic, sorry not good with copying links etc, maybe you could do the honors? PRO-THAKSIN PEOPLE, MAYBE YOU CAN EXPLAIN THIS? I'D LOVE TO HEAR YOUR VIEW ON THIS..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (IN YOUR FACE!!!)


  13. I had to laugh at yesterday's slip-up by Thaksin where he says if he gets back in his supporters won't have to line up anymore for their 500 baht! OUCH!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS IT'S A MUST VIEW...HIS FACE IS PRICELESS AFTER HE REALISES WHAT HE'S SAID!!! I suppose it was only a matter of time before he spoke some truth. This was a classic, he managed to humiliate himself and his 'hired support' in one foul swoop. I played it to my wife and she's over the moon!!! How can he possibly defend this comment? Surely he's ruined any trace of credibility that he may have had? I do hope so. SAWAT DII PEE MAI!!!

    Is there a video link to this comment?

    Yes on the 1st page of this thread. It's a real classic, sorry not good with copying links etc, maybe you could do the honors? PRO-THAKSIN PEOPLE, MAYBE YOU CAN EXPLAIN THIS? I'D LOVE TO HEAR YOUR VIEW ON THIS..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  14. I had to laugh at yesterday's slip-up by Thaksin where he says if he gets back in his supporters won't have to line up anymore for their 500 baht! OUCH!!! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS IT'S A MUST VIEW...HIS FACE IS PRICELESS AFTER HE REALISES WHAT HE'S SAID!!! I suppose it was only a matter of time before he spoke some truth. This was a classic, he managed to humiliate himself and his 'hired support' in one foul swoop. I played it to my wife and she's over the moon!!! How can he possibly defend this comment? Surely he's ruined any trace of credibility that he may have had? I do hope so. SAWAT DII PEE MAI!!!

  15. As usual with Thaksin he's primary concern is money followed by an insatiable lust for power. If he can get his confiscated funds then he'll be back in business. I guess that he's invested too much in his 'comeback' to give up now. A very sick man I imagine and still a real dander to the very future of Thailand. I always relate him to a 'baddie' on a James Bond movie. For now at least the scales aren't tipped in his favour it would seem, for if they were we may not be able to speak so openly on the matter; anyone remember a few years ago when such a discussion on Thai Visa wouldn't have been possible? If he gets back in, EVER, I'm out of here!!! Actually I'm English so he'd probably have the nerve to kick us all out on the previso that 'we' kicked him out; definately his style. On with the discussion, with regards to Thaksin, never a dull moment! ps I have to add that anyone who still genuinely still supports Thaksin must be either ill informed or really stupid!!!

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