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  1. This is a tippacle response in Thailand,it was the machinery or vehicle's fault.No one seems to look at the operator and the lack of maintenance of the machinery.
  2. Maybe driving on the wrong side of the road to fast with a tired driver and of course the brakes failed.
  3. If these allegations are found to be true in court put them in a Thai jail for 10+ years to rot,that will open there eyes.
  4. It appears every week there's a new rule or law that affects us non Thai people who have decided to make Thailand there new home.Doesn't the Thai government want us and our money here.
  5. How about going out onto the road to catch people speeding,not indicating and no lights or do I have my priorities mixed up.Trying to fine a tourist for this seems to be more important to some.
  6. Thailand has to get a Non corrupt department somehow to enforce all road rules and be very serious about them such as removing vehicles,enforcing fines and jailing people.Build more prisons you will need them.
  7. Maybe one day Thailand can have a department of some type that is not corrupt and enforce road rules and regulations and we actually see them regularly on the road fining people. No just joking it can't and won't happen.
  8. It's amazing what people say or do for cash or favour's of some type.This is a good example.
  9. All the government has to do is stop a lot of the burning and we will be breathing fresh welcome air for a change.
  10. I would be interested to see how the Thai police came to the conclusion that this man died.It looks like another right royal stuff up to me.
  11. Sounds like a plan.Lets concentrate on Bangkok and the hi so's again and hope Thailands smog and dirty air problem will be solved.Do any other provinces exist in the government small mind.
  12. It's easy to ask or tell someone to do something but actually doing it is another thing and this is not going to be happening any time soon.
  13. Thailand wants all the tourist possible and more but can't/won't supply public toilets and rubbish bins.
  14. Don't the people who are referred to as the Thai police force have tassers or must they buy them themselves to use on these fools
  15. When will people understand you never interfere in another couples disputes,it's just not safe anymore.Inform someone of what you've seen and walk away it just may save your life.
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