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Everything posted by zhulanchik

  1. Hi! I am from Russia and I take your words as racism. You can't judge people by their country, you can't judge people by a couple of idiots who do terrible things. There are Russians who do not support the war started by this government. We are hostage to a situation I wouldn't wish on anyone, we are forced to go to war, there are summonses to send men there, no one asks if you want to go to war or not. Many people flee Russia in the hope of a better life, as is now happening in Israel, but of course these are not comparable things. Many Russians who live in Thailand for a long time work on the Internet, some for Russian companies and some for European/American companies, of course there are those who are involved in scams. There are a lot of personalities described by you, both in Russia and in other countries. Please, let's live amicably, I wish this for everyone. I am sure that you will meet Russian people that you will like and with whom you can be friends! Thank you!
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