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  1. Drones can be flown at night. They’re very quiet when hundreds of feet above, and can be flown up to 7 miles away with video because all drones use stationary satellites for navigation. Why is it hard to believe that board copycat people are flying drones at night?
  2. Trump continues to be witj his peers: https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/time-magazines-1938-man-year-choice-not-hitler-endorsement-2024-03-08/
  3. Like a garbage blender operator, the author of this piece says everything negative concerning anything is the terrible left’s doing, whoever this imaginary left is, we may never know. But if there is a social item the author isn’t in agreement with, the left will be responsible.
  4. i’ve had problems with filing online, but then was given at the immigration office the directions to make sure and was pointed out to the end date that they will stamp on the paperwork when you do it at the immigration office this end, date or renewal date must be correct on the paperwork submitted
  5. Applle already assures the retailer that it’s a working functioning product as it’s in the contract when they buy it. The retailer is making it so they will not be responsible if you take it back to the store in a non-working condition and will have to go through Applle, but since they are Apple retailer, they’re the ones that will have to take it in from you anyway, so I really don’t understand their purpose in doing this.
  6. I am surprised this tariff is not viewed for what it is, a subtle act of war. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/9.6575102
  7. The two biggest dildos in media stroking each other
  8. what a joke dump is ..teleprompter, notes from his handlers, script writers, nothing original from his own brain, never an original thought. It’s all written all preplanned for this Joke. But not bad for somebody who’s on Prozac 24 hours a day, I guess. Just a walking dildo joke.
  9. It says “ rising Thai bhat” not declining Thai bhat. It’s been in the 32’s for months.
  10. Well, it’s an observation from your statements. It seems for the six months that everything was going along smoothly when she was on medication and then stopped taking it. She was simply going through withdrawals and the associated symptoms.. But this to me seems such an obvious reason that you and she would have thought of having her go back onto that medication. Is there some reason you hadn’t? Other than that, the reason that people get defensive is because they have done something they have transgressed. Of course the solution for that is to come clean about whatever one has been withholding. Communication is the key. You’re thinking seems to be analytical about the situation. I’d say, push on through to the other side.
  11. The rising Thai bhat, what the heck is being talked about here ?? every day I see the value of the bot go down for the last five months.
  12. He'll never pay anyone.These woman should be at least given counseling and monetary aid from this turds employer, the government.
  13. Never had 'high blood pressure'. The most successful actions I have found to stay lean, feel energetic and sleep soundly for 8 hours is regular daily exercise: walking every day toward a couple of miles, stretching, some light yoga and just the basic Vitamin supplements; A,D,E,C,Zinc,B12. A plus if you can make protein drinks; yogurt, frozen berries or best fresh, protein powder, cut fruit, any other powder supplements that indicate to you. No drugs or prescription meds. No smoking. No alcohol. No fried foods. Grass fed beef. Organic shopping as much as realistic. Regular sexual activity. Also awareness of dehydration in the Thai Sun and take daily electrolyte drink from three store bought ingredients that all the electrolyte products are made from; Salt, Potassium Chloride and Magnesium Glycinate. It's a fallacy that HBP is due to too much salt. There has never been a verifiable research on it that shows salt is harmful. In fact there are studies that show the longest living groups of humans consume much more salt daily than the average American. Good luck.
  14. Same as throwing up: not going to put my hand over my mouth while trying to find a ‘proper’ receptacle. Don’t stand in front of me as I will be expelling. He couldn’t make it to the toilet and did the best he could so the rest of the journey he wouldn’t be disgustingly smelly to the passengers. It’s a funny situation, certainly not a legal one.

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