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  1. Update! Update!.....after a 5 sec search on the WWW , this article about just a few of the studies that have been done concerning this o' so important matter. One such study of the American country revealed that... "In the USA, an increase in helmet use from 18% to 50% of cyclists over a decade was accompanied by a 10% increase in head injuries." My experience over 50 years of touring, cruiser, sport, standard, cafe, adventure, motocross, scooters, mopeds, paragliding, and hang gliding and the many crashes and injuries experienced through these activities leave me with a few realities on using a helmet; there are more appropriate types than others for certain activities. How it is worn is crucial. Kevlar isn't that big a deal- a full face cracked in half hitting on the front guard part of it though probably saved my life left me with a neck injury for years.. Most crashes left my neck wrenched, soar, or injured due to the helmet - it tends to grab onto things and get stuck or dragged due to it's weight, design, size. Crashing when drunk at 65mph without a helmet not a scratch. Overall, I'll wear them on a longer, faster riding. Locally under 40mph I don't. Doesn't matter where I am. Though the link doesn't talk about using a helmet in a car, it does say more helmet use on motorcycles led to more dying. So next time, Kwilco, don't be a saphead booby and listen to Brn2Trvl. https://www.cyclehelmets.org/1052.html
  2. What are the odds? Oh, one and 4 billion. Bitch findin’ a date.
  3. I saw a TV program once I think it was about seven or eight years ago don’t ask me the details. I don’t remember, but they concluded wearing a helmet on a motorcycle was not as safe as no helmet wearing a helmet in a car was safer than not wearing a helmet in a car. In either case, the test dummies were not drunk.
  4. I was just at Mapta Phut Immigration yesterday and the woman at the window told me just bring in your bank statements for the last three months and don’t worry too much about it. It being that I didn’t have 800 K in the account. So if they’re flexible with that, I think they’ll be flexible with the 65K.
  5. and when this condition eventually is realized in the USA, imagine the speed of the downward spiral of the economy then. We ain’t seen nothing folks.
  6. 450,000 USD. This is got to be the smallest IKEA on the planet.
  7. Whenever you go to exchange money for services, bring your female companion you will get the Thai price or better. At least that’s what’s always work for me.
  8. So…. walk for 30 minutes and exercise for 30 minutes every day. All better now.
  9. it’s your personal problem that you are upset no one cares.
  10. (1) Tell them not to before they do that. (2) Tell them not to before they do that. (3) Shop online
  11. Currently in Maha Sarakham hospital and receiving laser, iris surgery. ฿3500.. at Bangkok Rayong Hospital it was ฿56,000. 2 to 3 weeks I will come back for glaucoma cataract surgery. Total cost for that is less than ฿10,000.
  12. Drones can be flown at night. They’re very quiet when hundreds of feet above, and can be flown up to 7 miles away with video because all drones use stationary satellites for navigation. Why is it hard to believe that board copycat people are flying drones at night?
  13. Trump continues to be witj his peers: https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/time-magazines-1938-man-year-choice-not-hitler-endorsement-2024-03-08/
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