Since the Coastguard says that it's piolt believed he was given clearence to be on the runway, then the issue is most likely human error or some sort of distrubance with the radios.
The BBC along with most national broadcasters have limited resources and political biases that don't give you an accuate picture of what's happening in Asia. The US has a handful of news media companies with wide presence in certain regions (CNN has affiliates in India, FOX globally, SKY in Europe...) but they still have the problem of political and cultural biases towards the western world or certain political biases. When discussing Asia it's always best to use news sources from Asia because they tend to be more in-depth and often involve the party concened; you can use a western news source to guide you but it's akin to using Wikipedia for your thesis.
Imagine if you went to FOX News to find out what the Democratic party platform was? Or NBC/SKY News to find out what the Republicans wanted to do in Florida?