Huahin is a unique town [city]. the expat population resembles herds of white buffalo's grazing. They bare a strange but uncanny resemblance to each other, it's as if one older brother found it and then called all his male relatives to come on down... They all did. Then he found a retired bar girl, fell in love, and she networked all of her siblings, cousins, neighbors and village mates to "come on down"... so, as one saunters around the big eating/grazing night market, it's just like watching a clone circus. The lads with ladies have their tables filled with food and drinks and of course their identical looking relatives.... The ones without women are all at their own group table, surrounded and comforted by their high profile "green bottles" and the lovely, well-dressed super models seving and parading "greenies" in the identical coloured [bottle-green]outfits. It's an unforgettable show, nightly with the same [looking] characters and all for the most part looking quite happy to be there with their charming and youthful partners. It is truly a sight to behold. it's like everyone has hit the pools at the same time. I am so happy to see them equally if not more happy and satisfied.... and it probably beats the hell out of their previously cold climates....